We have reached a turning point in American history, for our lifetimes at least. Inefficient, lobby-driven, irresponsible leadership at the state and federal levels have failed to shore up the foundations of a free America. Without the crystal clear vision of our founding fathers, necessarily our mission statement has morphed into a contract of economic fruition for the wealthy. The wealthy always have been around, but pundits of our democratic republic always have been successful keeping America on her clear path. Now that path has strayed. Not unlike America's irresponsible exploitation of her near virgin Alaskan state, leadership in the last three decades has failed to recognize and preserve our national infrastructure. This infrastructure, while necessarily brick and mortar in some ways, philosophically has been deconstructed and retooled in the looming shadow of the internet. The internet and wireless communications rapidly have destroyed the majority of America's previous economy. Without a clear picture of what America should be now, her destiny ultimately will be shaped as the byproduct of the newest generation of entrepreneurs. Are Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates well schooled enough in civics, politics, and leadership to offer a shored and fair America? The answer unfortunately is no. Exploiters of America never have learned to give back. Down the road less traveled the Gates may have seen fit to charter a charitable trust, but what they are incapable of doing is understanding the basis of America. Never have they taken the time to become statesmen, because this is a gratuitous undertaking. One does it for the sheer spiritual feeling of Christianity, and this American feeling with God in its sights has been battered by Satan. If ever Satan was present, it would be now. America as a nation has failed to understand the necessity of Christian spirituality. Without it we have nothing but the dark bleak path to which we wake every day without God shining His light on us. Communism has become the chosen system of America without our even knowing. The American populace has forgotten our country must be lead by the people, not wealthy, communist, Satanic zealots. When America was nearer the dream of which often is spoke, the picture of our nation was crystal clear. It was steeped in statesmanship, savvy governance, and honesty. It was driven by Christian tenets and guided by God. Today the other force has driven its way into power. I do not see a return in America. The American Dream, its sentimental and emotional bubble, easily has been popped by elites. They are so immersed in their high lifestyles, it would be too much to try to understand what America has been. Without continual reinforcement of our civic responsibilities in our system of public education, America is doomed. This system always has been the necessary infrastructure of a renegade nation seeking asylum from the repression of tyrannical England. Always it was clear what we were choosing to leave. With the unpleasant taste of the Covid Oppression, it should be becoming clear again. The freedom for which America always has stood is not difficult, but it is complex. About it must be thought a lot, and we have stopped teaching it in public schools. The public schools, once the cornerstone of American mobility, now are a scrap yard littered with refuse. We are the junkyard rats scrambling for the bits and pieces of sustenance.