I'm not sure what America is anymore, and net neutrality has something to do with it. At first the World Wide Web was a warm and fuzzy collegiate entity. Netscape Navigator was a seductive blue browser that opened portals to pleasure. Music streaming was at its inception. Steve Jobs built the iTunes store, and the commercial music industry failed. I am an Apple fan, but also I am a musician. I could not afford the prices of albums or CD's in my adolescence, but as an adult I appreciate recorded music not in an MP3 format. The internet has ruined America. We don't know how to be, so I assume more than ever you must pick your aesthetic. Our Founding Fathers were geniuses, but the process for choosing a President is flawed. A popularity contest with no confirmed credentials is no way to pick the leader of the free world. We have seen this first hand. It has been a lack of knowledge and integrity which have doomed America. Academia sold out. Health care sold out. What else is there? We cannot be healthy, and we cannot be smart. We are ignorant and compliant. Now is an episode from the "Twilight Zone," and I am having nightmares. We need relief. I fear the American military is an opportunistic haven. Thom Tillis is their cheerleader. It has become blind allegiance for money. The wives and the children are methods for profit. The marriages are business agreements to benefit both parties. Love is far from the equation. I have met two Army families, and the husbands are the oldest sons. Vivian Howard puts it bluntly. Matriarchs run the American South. Women. Women have become the problem. Original sin is real. Eve is offering us a bite out of the apple, so man must understand. Man has become polluted, and young girls are his temptation. R Kelly. Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Cosby. We need examples, and there are none. Instead we are presented with sickness, failure, and desperation politicizing integrity. How could a disease become political? I should be grateful, because I am revisiting the past. I have been through this before, so I am resistant. I am familiar, but my soul is being chosen for me. The problems are the same as they were thirty years ago, but we have grown into adults. There isn't much to lose. You are afforded the right to exist. The playing field is clear, but it is not level. Achievement should be notable and rewarded, but only in a free and honest society. As Fred Rogers said, "The worst evil is trying to make you less than you are."