Sunday, June 27, 2021

There Is a New Sheriff in America

Purposely I have been ignoring the news.  It is difficult to fathom over one hundred and fifty innocent occupants were sacrificed for money.  Slum lords are a dime a dozen, but one who ignores building inspections and rather chooses to murder one hundred and fifty of his upstanding paying customers.  Go figure.  Go figure the North Carolina State Wolfpack throws their championship hopes into the wind, because they were to ignorant and irresponsible to get vaccinated.  Tough love.  Despicable.  (I like the words with three or more different vowels.  They are easier to spell, when the vowels in each syllable are different.)  Protocol is an exception.  Respiratory.  I like this word.  Four different vowels.  All you have to do is remember the order by pronunciation.  The shite is all around us, and it is getting deeper.  There has been some news about the cruise industry trying to crank up again.  Which governor was it that passed legislation that said it the cruise lines couldn't require vaccinations to cruise?  This is utter B.S.  If you own a store, then it's your store.  You set the rules, not the state.  When did LGBT decide it can demand anything?  Until the Constitution is amended separatist behaviors can be excluded from the mainstream.  Because we have lost the mainstream in America (and I mean we really have lost a common dynamic among Americans), our perceptions are being shaped by the media.  Just because the evening news says this or that, it doesn't require any American listen or much less alter their behavior or beliefs.  Subliminally we use television and the media as a point of departure for our lives.  We need something.  Newspapers once were this anchor.  Now they have been absorbed by the borg, and like so many other things they now are a corporate conglomerate.  The three major networks on their evening national news don't check and balance one another.  Occasionally they will report with a slightly different slant, but not often.  That used to be the job of a new desk and news editor.  It was a big job.  What or who on which to report.  Assignments.  The news director, like Ashley Parker, has several college degrees and lots of experience in reporting the news.  The news is what stratifies American life.  Because news reporting has been diluted into tabloid rants, we have lost track of what is important.  We do know the Hamas is generating energy from the departing United States military.  We saw footage of Afghan soldiers surrounding their arms.  They also may be absorbed by the borg of extreme rebels in the Middle East, but it is not for the United States to mitigate.  Bibi, by a razor thin margin, was ousted as Prime Minister of Israel.  This is big news, but we have not heard more.  It could be his replacement is more far right than him.  Until America gets the national debt under control, restores legitimacy to the economy by reinventing jobs and an able workforce paid a living wage, and quells conspiratorial rhetoric by the extremist Republican Party, nothing else will matter.  Nothing has changed.  Joe Biden has been successful curbing the pandemic, but hard core Trumptistas continue to plant seeds of bigotry and ignorance.  "I'm too good to get vaccinated.  I am more important than my neighbors."  It is all the same as it was when I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill.  There are the rich in control, society, and there are the rest of us.  They control who is successful and who is not.  You have to fit into their group.  In the South the tradition is so archaic, crumbling, and not progressive it is surprising we have survived this long.  Those big plantation houses and vaults full of old money are about gone, but the traditions are still there.  Bible Belt morality.  Trophy wives.  Cloistered homosexuality hidden with a family.  Never have I experienced a more stale, stagnant, repressive dynamic of social culture.  LGBT wants recognition for itself in all of their separatist glory.  The only way I can justify what I see is a pubescent costume party of losers seeking acceptance.  As a trained educator I have no malice for such a contingency.  I observe and try to make sense of the masquerade.  Some of them seem open to casual social interaction.  Others staunchly are engulfed in their own malcontent seeking separation and recognition for their gayness.  Is this a legitimate platform for society?  It is no different than rich old money, but it manifests its discrimination and bigotry in a slightly different way.  To me, the middle aged white male, their message overtly says what it always has said.  "You can look, but you can't touch.  You can't respond.  You can't have this.  Look, but don't touch.  Touch but don't taste.  Taste but don't smell."  Some people believe the difference between American and Eastern European women is closed arms versus open arms.  The closed arms say, "You are the enemy, even if they don't even know you."  It is the traditional Southern behavior.  We can hear all about ice tea or lemonade on the front porch, but the real underlying message is, "It is my plantation, and we intend on keeping it that way.  Here is a cold beverage to disguise that reality."  I have arthritis mostly in my right hand.  My hips hurts as do my knees.  I have kidney pain in the terrible humid inferno of Global Warming.  Does anyone even realize that North America is called North America for a reason?  We are north of the equator, a line that divides geography for a reason.  North America, while often hot, is not the tropics.  We are not an Amazon rain forest.  Now it would seem we are, and still the national news just reports the temperatures like it is a joke.  "Record breaking temperatures!"  More money to be spent on keeping citizens cool.  Covid was a ruse for the rich, and the rich got richer.  We aren't honest enough with ourselves to say this is possible, genocide by the rich.  It is not different than the German Holocaust.  Ethnic cleansing intended to ease the burden of entitlements.  This is what Trump said all along.  Kill the old people.  Kill the immigrants.  Kill the inmates.  Kill all of those who are a burden on the system.  Trump didn't want to save Americans, and that is why he didn't.  It lost him the Presidency, but his work all ready was done.  It will be Merrick Garland who salvages democracy,and in the greatest irony as the Attorney General, not a Supreme Court justice.  Turnabout is fair play.