Saturday, June 26, 2021

Democracy Fails When Good Men Do Nothing

 I'd better get out the Macbook Pro and start writing.  The shite is piling up all around me.  Recently I fired up my trusty Yamaha DX-7llFD, and its battery was dead.  All of my programs were lost, again.  I replaced this battery ten years ago, so now it is time again.  The trouble is my patches are nowhere to be found.  My old and trusted PowerMac G3 with a NuBus expansion card and a Newer Technology accelerator card bit the dust.  Its internal battery exploded all over the motherboard.  Before it died, I was able to resurrect two TX-802 synthesizer modules and this DX-7ll FD.  With Mac's upgrade to OS-X, no longer were my Unisyn patches compatible.  There was no way, I didn't think, to archive these coveted sounds.  In retrospect I dropped the ball.  Once I got the sounds into these machines with this old PowerMac, I should have uploaded them to my second laptop running OS-X.  The newer version of Unisyn 2.0 was there sitting, but I didn't do this for these Yamaha DX-7 programs.  I looked through all of my external hard drives (3) and on my Mac Pro.  No luck.  No programs.  Last night it was overdue to harvest these patches from one of the TX-802 modules.  These tone modules use the same single voice patches as the DX-7.  The Performance architecture is very different, but the base single patches are the same.  Theoretically they should load into the DX-7ll FD, but we will see.  At least I have them in the computer, a laptop dating from 2005.  Ouch.  I have kept it turned on in sleep mode for all these years.  I need to do this again but upload the performances as well.  I know how to program these instruments on the front panel, and the DX is intuitive for me.  I have spent many hours programming it and using its onboard sequencer.  I am not worried.  The keyboard still is working, and it is overdue for a tune up.  In the news.  The world is fucked up.  So if I were Frank Zappa or any practicing musician writing songs and commenting on life, I would take sound bytes of the Trump regime and the entire Republican Party saying global warming is a hoax.  Then I would juxtapose these sound bytes with the national news broadcasted tonight.  "Record breaking temperatures on the West Coast."  (including Alaska)  We have no reason, other than they will be the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the history of record taking.  It has begun.  The Book of Revelations prophesies the sequence of events of the second coming of Jesus Christ.  Another planet has been prepared, and those one with God will be resurrected and taken to this new planet.  That includes the dead.  (I think)  Is it worth trying to save the planet?  Two nights ago I was restless and could not sleep.  I tried cracking the window about two inches to see if it would release some of the barometric pressure in the house.  (It did not)  Instead in a record time of less than 30 seconds my nose began to run and my throat began to hurt.  My glans immediately felt swollen.  Recap:  The National Evening News.  Colds and other respiratory maladies are escalating.  Although Covid may be being quelled, its effects still are dangerous.  Enter the Wolfpack of North Carolina State University.  Lesson number one of the Donald Trump loser regime.  If you are a ridiculous butt head and refuse to acknowledge a global pandemic and selfishly don't get the vaccine, then when your chance to win a NCAA baseball championship is on the docket, they eliminate your team and you don't get to play at all.  Eliminated.  Don't even get to play, because four team member test positive for Covid.  School of Hard Knocks.  The North Carolina State University Wolfpack pitched their hopes and dreams into the dump, because they didn't believe in and act responsibly about a global disease pandemic.  Ho hum.  Live and learn.  How long will it take?  Record breaking temperatures on the West Coast.  Hottest ever recorded.  Global warming is a hoax, and a hoax to allow corporate polluters, including Duke Energy, one of the most base and dishonest power providers in the country, free reign to shit on the little guy.  Cumberland Country finally hired a law firm to battle Chemours, because the legal system is the last vestige of justice in America.  It has been marred with malfeasance and corruption, but when Democrats are in control balance is restored.  It will take all four years of the Biden Presidency to sort through the damage, and it is grave and deep.  The Attorney General is well on the way to his vindication for his filibuster to the Supreme Court.  Mitch wouldn't even hear his credentials.  They just shut him down.  This is how the Republicans play.  They control the playing field, and nothing about your performance is fair, reasonable, or equitable.  You are nothing from the beginning, and you will remain nothing while playing on their field.  You're only recourse is to find a better more level playing field.  Believe me they exist.  Simply you go around them.  Rebellion is in the muscles, and what is required now is to stand up for your rights.  I don't mean by protesting in the streets and holding signs.  I mean by locating your enemy and refusing to roll over.  I mean by pointing out the wrong-doing of our enemies, despite our Christian doctrines, and demanding that they stop infringing upon our Constitutional rights.  We are being indoctrinated by the internet and by what is left of television, and we have lost touch with our own American souls.  America is and always has been about freedom, and freedom is dangerous and challenging.  The words, the free speech of America, are intimidating.  They force us to grow up and understand both ourselves and others.  Because we disagree with others does not mean we cannot like and work with them.  Most of my friends over the years married their own likenesses.  They married spouses that look like them, because it makes them feel comfortable when they wake up in the morning seeing a likeness of themselves.  I can think of nothing more boring and insipid.  Variety is the spice of life.  Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear different ideas than those of your own, if you were secure in your own beliefs?  It is because we are not.  We are weak and insecure, and freedom does not come to those who are such.  It is time for America to grow up.