I need to vent. Lots of things on my mind, and one of them is sexual healing. After attending the Cool Spring Street Initiative's Thursday afternoon Farmer's Market at Festival Park, my mother and I were unknowingly subjected to the local LGBT community. It is unclear if Thursday's recurring summer event was slated specifically as an LGBT outing. It didn't take long to understand that it was. While there were many families with small children, the majority of attendees were members of the LGBT community. How do I know this? An event slated as "Gay Pride" specifically is meant to call attention to its own importance. In addition to a tent with signage and a few other campy accoutrements, the main impetus of the gathering was carried by fashion. Fashion is a unique and rather anachronistic aesthetic in America. Our country had had its golden years of fashion, and certainly like most other things those golden years are not now. Instead America sadly has regressed in most things except making the rich richer. I don't say that light-heartedly. If one really does reflect upon the lineage of American popular culture for the last two decades, there is no escaping that our nation is on a downward spiral. Maybe I should rephrase. What has occurred is a re-tooling of commercial sensibility. That means things of value in the American economy have been revamped. I will bold enough to say that most of this began with Bill Clinton, because he auctioned off the previously deemed dangerous frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. Of course these are millimeter waves or microwaves. The FCC (and we must remember that now and today most federal agencies in Washington, DC have become overrun with corruption including the EPA), the FCC deemed these frequencies dangerous to the human organism. This was for a reason, and it was based on science, something the Trump administration desperately tried counter. The full fledged Republican campaign has been one of nihilism. While this is a rather abstract distinction, it does fully rationalize their recent campaign. The concept of "gaslighting" also is contained in this aesthetic. Not only do they just tell you what they want you to hear regardless of actual truth, they suggest that anything of substance, say science, art, or medicine really is nothing at all. It all is just the luck of the draw, and somehow for them a Godless earth will magically repair itself after they have collected all the money. The bottom line is it has been a strong, forthright, methodical campaign of utter lies. Purposely the Republicans have attempted to exploit the "Survivalist" contingency in America. Those are the white male patriots who have prepared for doomsday. Because they lack collegiate education and admire and practice a sport-like zest in life, easily they signed onto a President who coerced them not unlike Hitler's seduction of most of the German population. It is the same, and Donald Trump knew exactly what he was doing. His speech was so honest and but unbelievable, it painted him as a goofy, run-of-the-mill, white American leader. The American people as a whole were so deceived and forsaken, it is surprising the country has survived thus far. If were are to follow the examples of other nations, an authoritarian dictator shored up by his own obedient and compliant military, communism would have all ready overtaken the American dynamic. In many ways it has. We are being told how to think, what to think, and are being persuaded not to think. We have become addicted to paltry entertainment (frivolous apps and enticing eye candy) and have forgotten that no one ever really has your back. We are on our own. With all of this Covid has been a major component of the attempted coup. You could lose your mind trying to figure out who and what, but the truth of the matter is America has been assaulted at the most grievous level in recent history. With this assault has come a dissemination of American ideals, namely a living wage, fair and civil social behavior, equality of income, and mobile opportunity. We have become slaves. In this newly fostered repressive governance, it would seem the LGBT seeks a similar goal that the "Hippy" movement embraced during the era of Viet Nam. They want to be happy and to be accepted. War is not this answer, and yet America has been at war for twenty years. How can any nation actualize enlightenment, when the majority of our GNP goes to its military. This in and of itself seems communist. As such Joe Biden has decided to end this debacle. It is proving to be a thorny affair, but we should try to remember the name of Pol Pot. Pulling out of the Middle East is America's only salvation. The Thursday afternoon Farmer's Market was on this occasion an LGBT "love in." As I wrote earlier fashion was the chosen vehicle. It struck me that LGBT fashion was based on the "Goth" movement but was a juxtaposition of several things. Certainly it was diverse, but its overt message to me was one of sexual fulfillment. With close thought I think these people want love. The love they desire may be of a more diverse nature than the surrounding community. That would not be difficult, because even I have realized that Fayettenam has become a community mostly of the military. In this particular construct families are desired, and also they get you a sizable, monthly, housing allowance. While I immediately am not in this circle by being active duty, I am astute enough to understand the traditional hierarchy of the American South. Also it is family, and while in modern times women do have careers, the concept of the "trophy wife" still is in play. The military paradigm fuels this stereotype. The in shape soldier goes to work each day in a stable environment and brings his money home to his non-working wife and children. The LGBT or Hippy crowd is not interested in this way of life. The concept of "gays in the military" is yet another unchartered course, but it will have to wait. Diversity is at the root of their movement. An education in LGBT habits may be shocking for mainstream Americans. Best they can be represented by drag show or campy cabaret. While all gays may not approve of such extreme behavior, many do. Drag has been around for ages, and homosexual men who like to dress in women's clothing is what it is. Do they really want to be women? It is not for society to decide, because sexuality traditionally is a private issue. Its presence has ebbed and flowed in American popular culture, and although millennials may not even be aware, Feminism, the War of the Sexes, and the Sexual Revolution all ready have occurred. America all ready has done most things, but as I said commercial values have been re-vamped, and with this change in perception has come the devaluation of many watershed American institutions. It is almost as if a group flipped off one switch, the "Oz" switch, and flipped on the "Swamp" switch. Everything once of value and extreme meaning in America to Americans was declared worthless or nihilistic. Nothing matters, and because nothing no longer matters, we can tell or sell you anything. This includes defective products, dangerous products, and lethal products. There is no science or governmental agency to protect us from this assault. Hence Americans have become unprotected in our own country, and a deadly disease has killed half a million people in less than two years. With this disease has come an exacerbation of previously known pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. Truly we are at a base level of survival against Mother Nature herself, and all that we have learned and implemented to save ourselves has been rendered moot by this Republican snipe hunt. These men should be put in jail.