The United States of America has dropped the ball. Whoever cared that America as a nation be exemplary to the world has left the building. In a nutshell any sense of nationalism has been replaced with self serving, chastising, separatist sentiment led by a radicalized former Republican National Party. They are the Trumptista Party, and I will repeat this phrase ad nauseam, until people understand it is a reference to Fulgencio Batista. The problem is Trumptistas merely are Communists. It is not a new idea. The blame for a decline in American sensibilities could point left or right, but when compared historically to our cultural past, far right extremism is not representative of traditional American values. I am not sure whence these people come. The answer would be Communism from other foreign countries. Make America weak and stupid by not educating her youth, not being fiscally responsible, and not being fair to her people and in the making is the next perfect coup. We are ripe for the picking. What is there exemplary about America except Amazon and eBay? Change of direction. Black Lives Matter necessarily has brought attention to police brutality, and this issue will be confronted. Other advances in civil rights cannot occur until a more balanced, temperate, and moderate population can be gleaned. Our current population has become the epitome of "low brow," and ghetto slang and gangsta imagery will not help. Pop culture once had a purpose in America, and other it was labeled "pop," it was substantial in content and represented the values of mainstream lives. We have lost pop culture all together. Instead we have low brow ghetto slang that is being passed off as hip and in-the-know. What does it know? What insight or wisdom can it share? How to get killed by the police? I cannot find anything in pop culture, especially African-American pop culture that stands for anything. Perhaps we have become too stupid to understand the reality of white-controlled America. Certainly Stacy Abrams and other democratic activists did an exemplary job in ousting Donald Trump from the American Presidency. It was crucial to the survival of our democratic republic. Now where are we to go? We are being controlled and oppressed by the man. How are we to change that? Is it with tepid, weak, gender confused adolescents mouthing lyrics to prerecorded tracks produced on a computer? Revolution is in the muscles it is said, and the only muscle we have left is in our thumb pushing on the touch screen of a smart phone. If we are not smart enough to realize that operating a five thousand pound moving metal projectile merits our entire concentration, then throw a civil revolution into the wind. We have to become smarter, and smarter is not being controlled by the meager anodynes offered up by big tech and big pharma. Once this revolution was in music making, and it was an apt vehicle for change. One only has to look back a few decades to see countless viable musical artists expressing the innermost feelings of a tattered America. What did we get during Covid 19? Anything? Bueller? Most of my life I have concentrated on art. It was ingrained in my being to better my existence by seeking out and finding new musical expression. Because of Covid I put this process on hold, necessarily concentrating on survival. You cannot create anything if you are dead or ill. America is at a cultural low point, and we have to learn to see past our immediate future. Taking a look back in American history can help unfog the glasses.