Friday, June 04, 2021

The Source of the Pandemic

I feel nagged today, and I'm not sure why.  I think it is because of the unknown cause of Covid 19.  Early in the pandemic, "Plandemic" circulated on the internet.  It was a short documentary or expose chronicling Dr. Judy Mikovits's claims that her own personal research was sequestered, and her doctoral thesis was delayed until other senior research officials could obtain patents for specific drugs that would be used to treat AIDS.  This claim is not unusual or outrageous.  Theft of intellectual property occurs often in academia.  It is not out of the realm of possibility that these patents were of great importance, since the number of patents for an certain academic institution can be a great source of revenue.  They, in the face of a deadly pandemic, could prove highly lucrative.  America is a Capitalist nation, and consequently money is of utmost importance.  To be able to live comfortably in America, much money is needed.  Because the environment has been allowed to become polluted, now we must buy our health and happiness.  No longer will nature provide you with the sustenance you need to survive.  Business in America has devolved into a process for making as much money as possible.  The products and services rendered are secondary.  The consumers lives are of no concern, because corporations such as Monsanto, DuPont, and Chemours only are interested in their own well being.  The lives of the masses must be sacrificed for the lives of the few who control the purse strings.  All of this being said, Dr. Mikovits's assertions systematically have been countered online.  It is a, "He said, she said" affair.  The Wikipedia article on Dr. Mikovits is a boatload of propaganda purposely meant to discredit her claims.  The most important piece of information in "Plandemic" would apply today.  Is it possible a virus naturally would evolve into Covid 19?  The answer is it would take thousands of years.  Covid 19 was engineered and either by intention or accident was released into our atmosphere.  Those involved are counting on the public not to believe it is possible such an attack of genocide could occur in the 21st century, and yet the Holocaust was less than a century ago.  It is recent.  Because we no longer choose to pay attention to history, it seems distant.  To find the source of Covid 19 look at the beneficiaries.  Who has profited from this disease?  Who has been sacrificed from this disease?  When Dr. Fauci recently was asked if he thought more should have been done by the government to find the source of the pandemic, he floundered.  He became verklempt, as if the source of the virus was of no importance.  The source of the virus is paramount, and why would Dr. Mikovits's information be deemed conspiratorial?  The answer is because she was ratting on the system.  She was not a team player, and they put her in her place.  She stated that we, the United States, paid the Chinese millions of dollars to research SARS in its Wuhan lab over the last decade.  Our own Biological Defense facility of the military, Fort Detrick, located in Frederick, Maryland was cooperating with the Chinese and "labs in North Carolina" when the virus escaped.  Incidentally they showed a picture of the South building on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill.  Why would a respected researcher credited with discovering effective medications for HIV lie?  It is sketchy.  What nags me is we know not the source.  Who is responsible for such an attack on the world population?  It would not take much to find out, and until we do life will not proceed as normal.  You must keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.