Monday, May 17, 2021

Ross McNutt or Doug Clark? Who is Nuttier?

I have been trying to gather my thoughts of the day, and they are disparate.  Necessarily that doesn't make for an uninteresting blog entry.  It may be of more interest considering the history of ADD in this country.  Attention Deficit Disorder, another malady quietly put to bed by American media.  (or was it Big Pharma?)  Perhaps their drugs for this affliction, Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine weren't selling.  In any case although you can bet Attention Deficit Disorder still is at play, America had decided no longer to pay attention.  The solution for hyperactivity, a decided lack of attention span, and aggressive behavior is an iPhone.  Ouch.  When your government fails to regulate corporate pollution, provide health conscious guidelines for businesses, and overall protect your well being, the answer is addiction.  It's the "Razzle Dazzle."  Smoke and mirrors.  Abandon and exploit the Millennial Generation.  Turn them into a lot of naive, over confident, rose colored glasses wearing army of LGBT malcontents.  That isn't very flattering, and I'm sorry.  Partly this is true, because never before in mainstream American culture have citizens been confused about their gender.  LGBT has lobbied hard to make gender and choice, and what confusion it has caused.  A "Bathroom Bill" was penned, and lost North Carolina the NCAA tournament.  Boatloads of greenbacks went some other way, but not into the coffers of North Carolinians.  This was a mistake and not in the best interest of our state.  Consequently Pat McCrory lost the governorship to Roy Cooper.  Mr. McCrory was on the board of Duke Energy, and although they were prosecuted for their Dan River coal ash spill, Pat quietly reduced their monetary fine to nothing.  It was supposed to be millions, one of the largest settlements of its kind for an EPA infraction, and it was reduced to a few million.  Duke Energy proceeded to gas light North Carolinians we were responsible for the clean up.  Why would Duke Energy board members and higher ups chip in for their own irresponsibility?  This is the  Republican way.  The Patriot Act effectively eliminated personal privacy for Americans, and still it is in play.  How?  The idea of a "Pulsed Microwave Weapon" most likely is a byproduct of something else.  Yes, the United States military does have its Active Denial System, but it is cumbersome and expensive.  To generate enough electricity to create a deterring ray of microwaves which are possible accurately to aim requires a 95 GHz 100kW gyrotron.  "Oh boys and girls! We just happen to have one right here!  We'll be happy to sell it to the United States government for a 1000% profit."  Defense contractor companies invent these weapons and pitch them to the Pentagon and Department of Defense.  L3/Harris has become the sixth largest defense contractor, and their company history is frightening.  It has consumed everything.  Every kind of company you can imagine has been absorbed by this Borg.  Recently L3/Harris sent one of its Gulfstream jets to Syria to do the aerial mapping and topography of future targets for piracy.  The military, our military, is responsible for the actual assault, but L3 highly is involved.  As it turns out one of their expensive planes was destroyed, several employees were murdered along with an American serviceman.  I used to see their jet regularly flying over Fayetteville, because their office is on the corner of Morganton and Sycamore Dairy Roads.  Just recently I located yet another miscellaneous aircraft "Makin' lazy circles in the sky."  Most of this activity was over the drop zones at Fort Bragg, but eventually they got closer and closer to where we live.  Then I realized why.  The plane was an Indonesian manufactured cargo rust bucket, but who must have built the surveillance array inside?  The answer is L3/Harris.  It was not long ago that Sierra Nevada was making these sensors.  Before L3/Harris moved into this location, ironically they were nestled in the back closet of the local Harris Teeter store.  A small section of asphalt was cordoned off with a tall chain link fence in the back parking lot of the store, and suddenly appeared multiple satellite transmitting dishes.  A stones throw from this communications facility was the Fayetteville Arms Room, a gated brick facility tasked with keeping track of all of the weapons at Fort Bragg.  What does any of this have to do with anything?  LiDAR, Light Detection and Ranging, is a technology currently in use in these surveillance planes.  Whether they belong to the Department of Homeland Security and Border Patrol, which circled endlessly above our neighborhood when L3/Harris was at this location, or Special Operations at Fort Bragg in any of their ISR platform planes, LiDAR aerial topography uses pulsed microwave energy.  There are many types of lasers.  Some are continuous, and some used pulsed energy.  If the energy is in the microwave range, including T Waves, then the speed of the pulses could be their determinant.  If aids in Washington, DC felt symptoms of such an "attack," more likely it meant they were being surveilled by a government sanctioned military plane.  This has been going on for some time, and although now I am cognizant of the continual air traffic above our neighborhood, some of it is more invasive and upsetting than others.  Tonight I began to feel sick, so I rushed to my computer to open any of the flight tracking websites.  Military planes are disguised, so only is their a call sign listed.  With a bit of cross reference it is easy enough to pinpoint the aircraft.  Tonight's Girlfriend?  Lockheed Martin HC-130J strutting its stuff.  It took off from Valdosta, GA and flew to Pope Field for a touch and go.  Upon getting within a few miles of our house, it was flying at about 500 feet.  "Oh joy!"  Whatever surveillance equipment they have onboard including phased array radar  beats down on our living space.  I am becoming keener in recognizing these different disturbances from down under.  The Republican strategy is to say nothing is happening.  It is the most low ball, grass roots, corn fed approach to what has become an increasingly eletroncially sophisticated world.  So we all are crazy for our educations, intelligence, and common sense in understanding Congress has forsaken the American people for long enough.  Trump's cronies have gotten rich as hell, and there is no money left.  Common people don't have it.  There is no need to surveill us.  While the intelligence community has intercepted some domestic terrorist activity, Ross McNutt and his Persistent Surveillance Systems have discovered little.  They have made money in the charade.