Saturday, May 15, 2021

Those Lehman Brothers.

There is a lot going on.  Who could know withdrawing American military personnel from Afghanistan would trigger an all out war?  (In Israel)  I understand Israel is an important ally of the United States, but "A Knitting Yahoo" has had his ups and downs.  We haven't been following Israeli politics, because American news media have not been covering it.  (like many important issues)  What ever happened to Sinn Fein?  I imagine this political party is still in existence, but the Trumptista regime wanted no mention of a forceful, strong, independent political movement not intimidated by big money.  Hence quietly, like most other relevant things in the world, they were put to bed by our conglomerate-owned media.  We have been living in a vacuum for four years, and now Covid.  The biggest irony is the new Republican party has no ideas or identifying agenda for running America, the nation.  Their only inclination is to shore up their classist, elitist, racist, eventually fascist oligarchy.  We dodged this bullet by mere millimeters, and the new Republican party still is lying about the rebellion.  In effect the coup still is in play, and necessarily Washington is continuing to mitigate the scenario with the help of a new Justice Department under the fitting leadership of Merrick Garland.  Slowly subpoenas are being handed out as the intelligence community does what it should have been doing for the four years of the Trump regime.  Certainly the "Stooge Presidency" will go down in history once we extricate its still lasting ramifications.  The biggest clown is Louis DeJoy, and while the postal Board of Governors is tasked with this appointment, it is within Joe Biden's reach to "empty this swamp."  Mail, necessary and often life-giving surface mail, has been erratic since DeJoy's rise to power.  It is no surprise, since the "Stooge Presidency" intended to dismantle our entire democratic system.  More importantly the news has shifted to Israeli Palestinian Conflict.  Actually it is a breath of fresh air seeing other nations war.  America is not actively meddling in this Middle Eastern grift.  Of course we are, but it more sophisticated than "The War on Terror."  I'll have to do my reading to bone up on its intent.  In a nutshell I recall Jews verses Arabs to be blunt, and the Gaza strip is the center of the fight.  For Benjamin Netanyahu to bomb the media building, they must really want to fight incognito.  Netanyahu has been convicted of corruption.  He has ebbed and flowed as the leader of Israel for many years.  How the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has triggered this skirmish is unknown.  It is not that important to me.  What is more important are the forces behind the Trump movement, namely defense contractors.  Recently I railed upon the idea of "Pulsed Microwave Weapons."  I suggested the only companies with access to these frequencies are telecommunications conglomerates who purchased the rights during the Clinton auction of the airwaves, which he claimed balanced the national budget.  Still we are paying for this action.  Not only has the entire American economy shifted (with the passing of NAFTA), but we are subject to unprecedented corporate pollution.  Effectively these corporations have lobbied the FCC so diligently, there now is little to no oversight concerning cell phone microwave transmission.  These ugly, heating, radiating, millimeter wave transmitters at next sight will be on trees in our neighborhoods, and no one seems to care.  I suggested telecommunications companies were the only people capable of using these frequencies, and I lied.  How did I lie.  I present my first evidence.  L3/Harris.