Thursday, May 20, 2021

The War of the Sexes

I don't think there is any question that one of the most painful human experiences is being denied the privilege of expressing love.  God might object, because He would state simply He is available for your love always.  This is what He wants.  As human beings living in a real world, we not always are capable of showing God our love.  We are taxed by human inequity.  We are beset with hardship.  We travail and are heavy laden.  Under those circumstances sometimes we forget to love God.  It is not the same as human love.  Human love by nature is more physical.  There are many degrees of human love, but again I don't think there is any question that more often than not the physical aspect of human love becomes the most important.  Spiritual love is viable, but while I have cycled in and out of different types of love, I have come to believe in my older age physical love is more important.  That may sound hedonistic.  The pursuit of pleasure is not the same as the pursuit of happiness, and pleasure often times will not make you happy.  Given the two choices it would be a difficult decision.  Your instincts guide you in the journey.  If you are not happy often pleasure is shallow or short lived.  It can be empty.  I have found that pleasure often is not reinforced in modern society.  Evil does not want you to find either pleasure or happiness.  I would go so far as to say Evil's job, its intent, is to deny you either.  Are both of these things sinful?  Does God want us to be miserable?  While there are many interpretations of God's will, most of us would agree God does not want us to be unhappy.  I have learned He wants to revel through humanity and how the human being succeeds.  He wants to see us work take pride in His creation.  It is up to us as human beings to make our own way, but living on this earth at this time has become difficult.  It feels almost the opposite of wanting pleasure and happiness.  There are those not capable of feeling either, and consequently they demand or require you be miserable with them.  This is no way to live, because you are not productive when you are laden with troubles.  Of course there are those who do flourish under duress, so there is an opposite side of that coin.  Perhaps it is a consideration of time and how much time we have to devote to positive things.  If we constantly are battling unhappiness, pain, and loneliness are we capable of being productive?  That is a true test, and Wynton Marsalis explains it well.  You must muster the energy to do the thing you don't want to do.  It is sheer will power to overcome evil.  Perhaps we learn to live without human love.  It is possible.  We still can love ourselves, and often and certainly today, everything is risky.  All around me are histrionics, self induced tragedy, and drama.  It is such a waste of time all of these things.  When you are compelled to express human love however our body's demand, how will we do it?  Traditionally it has been through marriage and their prerequisite relationships.  I am neither a Baby Boomer nor a Gen X'er, but I have traits of both generations.  I remember better times than these, and these times were based upon human love most often heterosexual.  Film, television, music, poetry, and literature all dealt with human love.  It is what has driven the human race for most of its existence.  Then there is now, a time when millennials don't even know their own gender.  It is not their fault.  It is the fault of previous generations, those who chose to brain wash and manipulate our youth.  They know not what they do, and now we must live with it.  I am becoming more bitter and more jaded as the pandemic eases, and I begin to remember where we left off.  I see as a music educator how we have failed the millennial generation.  It is frightening to enter some public schools, because the level of intelligence now is so low.  I turn on the television, and there the example is.  Trash.  Violence.  Drugs.  Ignorance mostly.  More accurately I hate by what I am surrounded on a daily basis.  Living in the American South does not help.  I am unrequited, because I have few colleagues.  I am forced to live in a vacuum, and that vacuum is beginning to rupture and demand attention.  What I find, and it may be psychological, is that the world is against you.  I find myself to be a middle aged white male, the chosen demon of the last decade.  I have no inclination to don a MAGA hat and protest it by following Donald Trump.  Instead I want to learn from this experience.  The test is, and it is the solution for depression, is to learn how to live without physical love and intimacy.  If you have been lucky enough to have had it, then easily it becomes second nature.  You may take it for granted, or you may just consider it a natural part of a human relationship.  I feel most people would agree we all understand the human need for love and companionship.  The problem has become the war of the sexes.  We have had this before.  We have had Women's Lib.  We have had penis envy.  We have had the sexual revolution, but you wouldn't know it.  You wouldn't know it because Big Brother is hard at work cancelling American history.  It really is true.  Our cultural history is being oppressed through the censorship of the arts.  Donald Trump would not fund the arts.  It was Nancy Pelosi who negotiated funding for PBS and other artistic institutions through the first care package for Covid 19.  They had to sneak it in as "pork."  This is fascism.  With the disguising of American cultural history, the millennial generation has lost sight of the soul of humanity.  Truly they don't get it.  They don't understand human physical love and its gifts and responsibilities.  Once it drove human existence, but today it is some kind of narcissistic trip saying recognize me and my unwillingness to conform to any kind of traditional norm.  We want to re-engineer the human race.  We have better and more important things to do then being self indulgent with vanity.  Vanity is bad.  It is better to love your neighbor, but we don't know how because America has tried to erase God from our everyday lives.  We have extruded Christianity from our nation, and consequently we are a violent, misguided, mass of confusion.  The most difficult thing I ever have felt, and that includes four years of clinical depression, is feeling society refusing to allow me to acknowledge physical heterosexual love.  Today if you express interest in or desire for a woman, you are a predator.  You are Jeffrey Epstein.  You are Harvey Weinstein.  These men have tainted the male gender, its definition in Christianity, and its importance in the survival of the human race.  Conveniently we have demonized the white man for all of our ills, including fascist police brutality.  Once the white man was a noble, intelligent, creative, thoughtful being.  History is dotted with his excellence and his achievements.  Why must I be the scapegoat?  Much of the cruise industry is run by a "Gay Mafia," and this is no joke.  Their job and their full intent is to thwart heterosexual interaction.  God intended the man/woman relationship to be the foundation for survival.  Now we have turned it into war.