Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Bad Investment

 Today's Topic:  Trump is ejected from the White House.  It would be a good idea for everyone to read Michael Cohen's book.  If anyone has credible insight into the Trump presidency, it would be a long time Trump employee, partner, loyalist, and forsaken confidant.  It must be a sour taste, sour grapes.  I once was accused of "sour grapes."  Perhaps it was true.  When you are young and in the throes of ambition trying to plot your career path, the humors are volatile.  As we age emotional chemical energy may subside like testosterone.  Perhaps a soul is created when potential, great potential, energy, and ambition are caged, diverted, or quelled completely.  Is this soul a necessity.  Is it the prohibition of opportunity which creates this soul?  I think this is part of it, the necessary existence of pain from denial which energizes  at least part of the soul.  Possibly it forges a commitment.  Is this soul, this realization of disappointment necessary for an artistic and well-rounded perspective?  Does it fuel the creative performance in a way which is helpful, meaningful, and communicative?  I am not sure of the answer to this question.  Three decades down the pike I see no value to the denial of opportunity.  Only it results in the oppression of human expression.  It stymies creativity, personal voice, and productivity.  It is a wound which over time must be mitigated.  Perhaps this lengthy process of healing is what is of more value to an artist.  It would be of value to any aware human being, awareness being a solid philosophical holistic process which seeks to aid human existence by being aware of our enemies, the daily environmental processes which attack our natural and free-flowing existence.  The growing pains of America right now in 2021 directly are related to this refusal to pass the torch to a younger generation.  A Boomer generation and their predecessors, necessarily a strong and empowered American contingency, is and has refused to pass their torch to a younger America.  During the era of Viet Nam, a decade of extraneous and heinous foreign imperialism resulting in a ten year war in a country with whom we had no relationship or understanding, resulting in the death and destruction of both the Vietnamese and Americans, the youthful generation were empowered.  Their souls were wounded with senseless inanity.  The violence and death became so intimate,  omnipresent, and inevitable in our own lives, a stand had to be taken.  The "Hippie" movement was born of a desire for peace and love, and it was a good thing for America.  In 2020 our Hippie movement is Black Lives Matter.  The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's necessarily has been rekindled in response to widespread police corruption in America.  Racial violence instigated this movement on both sides, senselessly killing African-Americans only from misunderstanding, but fueling a counterculture which defeated a maniacal, bigoted, tyrannical, communist dictator who inexplicably became the President of the United States.  With absolute political cunning and personal charisma this man rallied an extremist base and almost overthrew the American democratic republic.  Part of the responsibility and blame for this coup squarely rests upon America's incumbency.  Covertly the peaceful transfer of power for which America seeks all ready has been thwarted.  Slowly over time in our political system power, instead logically and systematically of being transferred from one generation to another, power has been amassed by not changing the guard.  This oppression has occurred in many arenas in America.  It is evident in academia, corporate America, and government, both local and federal.  America's anachronistic system of the "Old South," "Old Money," or "Feudalism" has stymied a much needed progressive agenda necessary to keep up with technological sprawl inherent in an internet-based society.  The World Wide Web covertly has undermined America's traditional information systems including newsprint, newspapers and periodicals, broadcast news, television and radio, and the educational system which seeks to enlighten individuals through our system of public education.  America has been under siege, and it has been by "Social Media."  What developed as a seemingly harmless and entertaining popular cultural phenomenon, aggressively and violently was radicalized through the dissemination of propaganda and misinformation not unlike the predictions of "Big Brother" in George Orwell's novel "1984."  It took three and a half decades to come to fruition in America, and it took eight more years for the cataclysmic predictions of 2012 to surface.  This event could have been prevented, if the peaceful transfer of power all ready had been implemented in America's infrastructure.  If America had continued to chose to invest in her younger generation through education with the consensual passing of the torch, this coup could have been prevented.  Instead Washington decided to promulgate the power of its incumbency in both the civil and governmental arenas refusing to allow fresh blood to flow into American life.  The staid, anachronistic, and lifeless policies of an socially and economically oppressive regime sought to keep power in America.  When the sheer power of our Constitution and its policies triumphed in ensuring the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected regime, we are surprised that process is bridled with aberrations.  It is laden with resistance.  As with each recent transfer of power by the electing of a new President, a metaphorical dive into the cookie jar appears.  With W. is was the TARP assets.  With Obama it was the Affordable Care Act.  With Trump it is his crony business associates.  It always is a matter of which corrupt contingency will be successful getting America's money through Washington.  Corporate America and their defense contractor subsidiaries have exhausted our domestic supply.  There is no money left in the hands of the middle and lower class to line their pockets anymore.  They have moved on to government.  Like America raped and pillaged the new territories of Alaska by over fishing and hunting, we have raped and pillaged our domestic homeland and thrown her to the wolves.  Only are the words of the outgoing Secretary of Defense necessary to understand this attempted coup.  "Russia is doing things well."