A lot of things are spinning around right now. The establishment is trying to make heads or tails of the siege on the United States Capital. Only can it be labeled a covert attack, because its nebulousness disguised its true potential. We are finding that a much more egregious intent was possible. Caches of weapons have been found. The depth of the uprising was further than could have been imagined. It was a stunningly strategic tactical maneuver this attack instigated by Trump. Our President has been a master of the obvious. His rantings are so extreme yet so honest, they are difficult to believe. We laugh at them, because we have been afraid to take them seriously, until now. As the Washington community wades through the debris discerning perpetrators, motive, and intent, Trump's base also is discerning their own deception. It is a strong statement when a real estate broker from Texas says she was only following the urges of her President. Touche. The President of the United States incited a riot in an attempt to delay the confirmation of the new President of the United States. It was a full fledged coup, but his base didn't know it. They were in it for the sport, for the rush, and for the fix. This is how extremists operate. It is about visceral stimulation. It is a sporting event. While protest still was the overt result, lives were lost. This event came dangerously close to becoming the onset of full blown civil war. Luckily reason prevailed, but the damage was done. A line must be drawn between civility, government, and crime. Slowly the Trump base is beginning to understand they were the product of a deception. They have been deceived and left standing in the lurch. They did not win. They did not choose the appropriate side in American governance. The misinformation about the Democrats, the utter lies with no basis in any reality with which to stoke a fire, was fruitless, because it was not true. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not coming for your guns. They are not coming to censor your speech or written words. They are not going to commandeer the Republic and give it to the socialists. The radical ideas of Bernie Sanders were not enough to win him the election, hence Joe Biden won. America is not ready for socialized medicine, education, or income, and we knew it. Joe Biden is going to help America far more than Donald Trump ever could. He may not make you feel good doing it. He may not blow charisma and charm your way. He may not suckle your teat like you want, but Joe is going to help America. He is grounded in reality like most Americans who were not born into spoils. Joe knows what reality is. He knows what loss is. It is these things he intends to address as President of the United States. How could any American, red or blue, say that vaccine distribution is not a priority? Over three hundred thousand Americans have died from this virus, and they will continue to die without help. Those who somehow believe that wearing a mask is an infringement of their rights need a reality check. A nation cannot sustain divided, and if it is rapidly it will die. A nation only can live with solidarity, because it takes a village to survive. The cavalier nature of red is young, dumb, and full of cum, and I am sick of hearing it. Vanity in a nutshell. The work of the devil on your sleeve. Without the presence of God to make you feel something, we are doomed. This is why this event happened. Sport. Adrenalin. Vanity. Power. Immaturity. Those shallow enough to think that they are the only thing that matter. The high school football jock. The head cheerleader. A popularity contest, because education has failed in America. The need and desire to study history, context, philosophy, and government are moot. We are too busy trying to have fun, because our environment is so polluted by industrial waste we can't remember what gender we are much less whom we are supposed to love. America never has been more confused. Misguided, but misguided on purpose with full knowledge of the its purpose and its intent. Inciting civil war. That is the crime for which the President is guilty. Treason. He must be tried and convicted and sentenced to prison. Four years of ignorance, rhetoric, and disinformation, and still we are living in the Trump sewer being dragged into a civil war instigated by nothing more than skin color. Black Lives are smart enough to "stand down," while this insurrection plays out. Let the extremists burn out. Let them get it out of their systems, because when Trump leaves Washington their movement is over. A career criminal can be no leader once exposed. I do not think it will take long for red America to understand. Whatever it was they wanted, whatever rush of power or ego boost they desired, will be put in check. When the lives of our own children are at risk from an airborne disease, at some point you will realize that White Power is not important. All lives matter. If capitalism was working, then Americans would not be pitted against one another. If jobs were spread evenly to all Americans, if we made a living wage, and if women were respected in the workplace, this would not be an issue. America has soiled herself. The Harvey Weinsteins, the Bill Cosby's, and the Rupert Murdochs have shat in their own beds, and now they have to sleep in it. It was a failure of leadership not unlike Nazi Germany. We right here in America have seen how close you can come to complete and total decimation of a nation under the tutelage of an insane dictator. Who knew it would be Trump?