What exactly is the ruckus? What is it the QAnon followers want? What are they seeking in America? For what issue exactly are they protesting? "Stop the steal?" Truly somehow they believe that the Democratic National Party, a political party after being in the minority for four years under a fringe Republican president with no platform who led their Republican party astray with demagogic rhetoric, somehow has masterminded a criminal infiltration of the nation's electoral process? Instead of legally and logically mounting their own campaign, in the true spirit of American politics and in full support of the Constitution, exercising one of the greatest attributes of our democratic republic, appropriately launching, running, and winning a presidential election, instead criminally they chose to commit voter fraud and tamper with the process and the result. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. Everything that Donald Trump ever has said either is a confession or a projection. They only way he and Rudy Giuliani could ever purport such a far fetched thing is because they themselves thought of it. They delved into the electoral process four years ago, it corners, pockets, and landmines and staked it out for future exploitation. How do you think Donald Trump won in 2016 losing the popular vote by a large margin? It was a shock to everyone, because no one was prepared at that time for the possibility of such fraudulent and criminal behavior. We had yet to learn of Trump's criminal nature, because it had been well disguised all of these years. Four year later when the lawsuits began to unfold, pointless, unsubstantiated, unproven assertions that were systematically discarded by the judicial system on all accounts for lack of substance, then we began to see what had happened all ready in 2016. Threaten state legislatures with mob violence and force them to disqualify their own state appointed electors on a moot point, and replace these electors with Trump sympathizers. Easy capeazy. Done. Election won. The trouble was four years later it wouldn't work, so with Donald's projection of his own guilt, he blames it on the Democrats. Because his supporters were not familiar with their own ruse, somehow they projected it on the Democrats. Even after immense voter suppression, the closing of four thousand polling places in the state of Georgia, the objections to aids to help people vote during a national pandemic that could threaten their lives, after massive voter suppression the Democratic Party rallied, registered new voters, urged democrats to brave hell and high water, and overcame treasonous odds to honestly win. For them it's like it couldn't be done, because they wouldn't know how. Black people accomplishing something as important as flipping the Senate? What do they want? They are afraid of being governed by people of color, because they think people of color are inferior to them. If America was honest and chose to magnify the accomplishments of minority races they we have in the past, it would not be a difficult thing to understand. How many decades has America hummed along with and danced to Motown songs? Berry Gordy? Issac Hayes? Smokey Robinson? How often have we loved black comedians like Richard Prior who are brave enough to tell the truth about America? This newly energized racist slant is so shallow, pointless, and fruitless to everyone, only can it be a ploy to grab power. Donald Trump and his family have no substance. They have no interest in anything other than themselves, and it has been proven for four long years. They do no value American culture. They do no value music, theater, cinema, or visual art. I believe they are not capable of understanding it. They have proven themselves to be the most inhuman posse ever to grace Washington, DC. Trailer trash of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It is fortunate we did not see more of them as they acted out their soap opera in the White House. The country is in a downward spiral, because it has to be managed. It has to be managed and administered like a finely-tuned corporation, and the entirety of the American populace are its employees. It is not unlike Socialism, because a nation does not operate divided. There must be solidarity, and sense of unity of spirit and purpose for a nation to exist. Donald's methodology is based upon third world country politics, and he was wagering that we were that stupid. The problem was the sheer greatness of America arose and defeated him. He did make America great, great enough to see through his ruse and remove him from power. It was a job well done.