Sunday, December 27, 2020

Qasem Soleimani in a Coffin

 I didn't want to go outside today.  It was a beautiful, temperate, and inviting, but it wasn't.  My body protested as soon as I walked out the door.  Christmas this year was a success in spite of the Coronavirus.  It was warm and humid on Christmas Eve, and surprisingly cold on Christmas day.  More importantly the air was calm.  It was not the usual angst ridden, violent, and malevolent air that encapsulates Fayetteville on a daily basis including the days leading up to Christmas.  Fortunately we were spared Christmas this year.  Both my mother and I felt normal and young again, and our normal Fayetteville driven neurosis was spared to reflect upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus.  This was a God send, because last year on New Year's day we were subject to the largest military mobilization of the last thirty years, but we knew nothing of it until now.  It made the front page of the Fayetteville Observer yesterday a documenting of this mass mobilization of the 82nd Airborne en route to the Middle East.  It was not long before America bombed an airport in Iran and killed a major Islamic terrorist leader.  Quid pro quo as the saying goes.  Mike Pompeo spent a lot of time in Israel not that long ago, and shortly thereafter Iran's top nuclear scientist was assassinated.  Not long after that the Coronavirus appeared in America.  My thoughts are now it was instigated by Iran, because over time they seem to emerge at the core of American resistance in the Middle East.  It would make sense, Iran unleashing the virus on America.  I didn't want to go outside today for some reason.  Because I am a musician my senses are more tuned than most.  Perhaps I feel more things, and these things have the propensity to disrupt the human mechanism.  Perhaps I am a litmus test for the environment.  When I did venture outside today out of sheer claustrophobic anxiety, what did I see?  It was no surprise.  It was not New Year's day, and it neither was it Christmas Eve or Christmas day.  We had the best weather for Christmas in a decade, and thoroughly I absorbed all of its traits.  The air was crisp and clear as was the sky.  Today when I looked up into the Carolina blue sky what did I see?  This now is the compromise for Fayettenam, how entitled is Ground Forces Command to use our urban landscape as a practice field for their aviation activities?  We found out yesterday that the latticework in the sky on New Year's day last year was the largest military mobilization in thirty years unbeknownst to us.  We understand they like to keep it that way, although the likelihood of a domestic terrorist attack on the United States army at Fort Bragg is almost nonexistent.  They have dug in, battened down, and prepared for nuclear war out there.  It may be useful pedagogy to practice covert deployment, but it is not necessary.  No one is going to get on base with a bomb-laden recreational vehicle.  Today now like many days in Fayettenam chemtrails litter the blue sky.  They masquerade as cirrus clouds, but rest assured they are something very different.  My body and my soul have a gut reaction to dirty, violent, and oppressive air.  I felt guilty for not making more of the day, but I could not.  The day was meant for the United States military, and when they predicate war games that is what we get.  My eyes burn from the exhaust, and my senses shut down to ward off the ill effects of fighter jet activity. The most ironic occurrence of today was that while I was observing these chemtrails I was approached by the same jet that has been bothering me for several years.  It was not around during Christmas, and we were thankful.  Today after realizing the military was at work again, slowly over the treetops my personal jet emerged.  It is unusual to see a jet aircraft, a large commercial looking plane with a "T" tail and two rear mounted engines flying just above the treeline.  I have researched this aircraft before, and it may be a newly equipped Gulfstream with the Compass Call protocol.  Gulfstream got the new defense contract for this aircraft not that long ago.  It is the major aircraft used for electronic disruption of enemy forces.  It can perform the gamut.  I can't remember the reason for this blog entry.  It was because yesterday and the day before we had enjoyable weather.  We were not attacked with extraneous war like activity, and it was euphoric.  For a few days you could remember how we might feel most of the time, before Ground Forces came to Fort Bragg.