Might I take the opportunity to say, that never again do I want to cook a ten pound ham. I am a closet fan of the culinary arts but not this year. This year has been reserved for treason. Clearly it is evolving right before our eyes, and yet the response is muted laughter. No one thinks it is possible, a coup launched by the outgoing President of the United States. (and I picked this week to stop drinking) Our president all ready has been impeached once, but the republican-controlled Senate let him stay. He didn't even offer the Secretary of State of Georgia a tangible bribe. Instead he used the power of the Presidency to try to commit voter fraud. A Facebook friend suggested that everything Donald Trump does is confession or projection. Who could think up such far-fetched thing? It only is because they have thought of them, and probably many of them were implemented during the 2016 election. It is more plausible that Trump's meddling won him this election. Certainly he and his Republicans know every nook and cranny of the voting system in America. They have proven that again in the last month trying desperately to overturn Joe Biden's victory. Mitch let him stay, and now Trump is a semen-stained blue dress. What I can't figure is why Republican leaders are telling their constituents to boycott the Senate runoff in Georgia tomorrow. Is it because Trump lost, and he in all of his scathing narcissism feels Mitch should go down with the ship? This is what I am beginning to think. If Trump loses power, Mitch has to go too. That is fitting. Several pundits have pointed out that Trump's phone call to Georgia was more damaging than Nixon's involvement in Watergate. (Muted laughter in the wings) I liked the ham. It was delicious. I baked it in the oven for two hours and painted it with glaze. The yield was prolific, and being that it became my responsibility to be thrifty. I dissected the bone from the ham and used it to make soup. There were many portions. I took the meat and for the time being stored it in the fridge in a freezer bag. I needed preparation time to figure out what to do with it. I cook pork butts, and making pulled pork is a two or three day affair. Quietly I consented that this ham would be the same, but I couldn't wait to get it out of the fridge. It was heckling me. "Freeze me!" I can't waste that good meat. Tonight I tackled the job, divvied up the meat, and froze about seven portions. Because ham is salty, less is more. There were a lot of bits and pieces left over after the freeze that were good meat. I decided to boil them to render out their flavor. I realized I had another run of soup. I added mirepoix to the mix. I removed and chopped the ham and returned it to the soup. More soup? The freezers are getting full! After smelling swine for a week like you do when slow-cooking a pork butt, I was tired of cooking ham. We needed supper, so I cooked brown rice and served the broth and meat over it. It was delicious. More styrofoam cups, a ladel, and more soup to freeze. That was the end of my ham episode, and yet Trump continues. We are in it still, and perhaps these last days are the most wrought with anxiety. The dissenting Republicans who choose to contest the swing states will filibuster the confirmation vote with hours of useless debate. Will it resemble Trump's impeachment proceedings? Perhaps Jerry Springer should officiate and fighting will erupt with the throwing of a chair? This is common in Parliment and in other nations, getting physical. When Trump was at Mar-a-lago over the holidays away from the White House, I felt mature calm for the first time in four years. There was no mob boss threatening his government workers, issuing subpoenas, or tweeting lies. God was in charge of our country for a few brief days, and suddenly I remembered what is was like to feel good again. The shit is hitting the fan in the final days leading up to the Senate's confirmation of Joe Biden as President elect. No one seems to be worried, but I can feel it. J-I-V-E. I didn't think it was possible, but when Donald Trump became President our quality of life at home diminished. It has remained diminished for the entire four years, because those of interest to him do not care about the American people or our quality of life. They only care about making money for themselves. They are the DuPonts and the Sacklers, who like their republican colleagues feel slavery was the right choice for America. Is is nothing to kill your own people, and it is a normal part of governance in the free world. Say it loudly and often enough, and they will believe it. This is Big Brother. I never have felt so persecuted for nothing, and this is my education about evil. No good deed goes unpunished.