I have been meaning to write a post for some time about a sensitive issue. I will preface my brief opinion with commentary about a local play we saw today. With this year's outbreak of Covid 19 necessarily the arts have been curtailed. There has been scant live music, theater, or ballet at a time when it is needed most. Most people are feeling the vacuum. We opted to go see a Christmas musical today at the Thilbert Theater. This is a small local theater housed in a historic downtown building which has been used for various purposes. We have seen a few shows here, and they are amateur affairs. This theater is a vehicle to provide opportunity for local thespians. The stage is bare. There is no proscenium. There is no curtain. There are a few props and a few lights. The acoustic are acceptable. It is grassroots music and drama at its core. I paid no attention to this show until we arrived. Most of the shows at the Thilbert Theater are alternative off Broadway types, although recently they did do Godspell. Live musical theater is something you can't ignore. If you buy a ticket and attend the show you must be willing to be engaged at some level. You could fall asleep, and they would not care. Most people there are being supportive of the cast members and other theater workers. It is a family affair. Knowing the Thilbert Theater is this you resign yourself to contributing to the show. You can't just spectate and expect to receive a mind altering or heart warming experience. There may be moments of sensitivity and awareness. Most theater aspires to to this. It does not always happen. Sometimes the actors go through the motions and are not successful at achieving a moving and meaningful performance. You, the audience, can help in this respect. In theater history the interaction with and response of the audience always have been important. At the amateur level with novice performers, they may just enjoy being in the limelight. This is where the importance of a quality director reveals itself. I have worked in the arts all my life. I have been in talent shows playing piano. I also acted in a few high school musicals. Most of my experience is from playing piano in ship production shows which are highly staged and tracked affairs. There is not a lot of room for drama, but the craft of the theater is well used. Lighting, sound, and choreography are crucial to the success of ship production shows. With that being said, I am an evolved enough musician and composer to know when a performance is effective. The show we saw today had potential. Like all of the shows at the Thilbert Theater, it was strange. It was strange because local theater in and of itself is strange for the audience. It is not an sporting event. It is not a cocktail party. It is a play, and if it is a musical there will be spontaneous singing and dancing. This is a humorous vehicle, one often that is parodied. Spontaneous singing and dancing only could be a musical comedy. This does not happen in real life, although I suspect in the earlier days of America it was more possible . Actors talking on stage is not that interesting. Actors reciting lines on stage also is not interesting. For a play to be interesting more is required, and it would seem this is not well known in today's modern theater. The televised productions on PBS, some of which are on Broadway, often are amateur. Usually I cringe when I see them, because there is something about this gap between what is required and what is happening that is stark, upsetting, and misleading. Most actors today recite lines from memory staring a into space which happens to be in the general direction of the audience. Whoever tells them to walk upstage alone and talk above the heads of the audience is a fool. If communication is the goal of theater, then this is not an effective method. It would be better to speak to someone, either the audience or a fellow character in a play. This also fails to happen. Actors don't look at each other, because they are concentrating on remembering lines. It is rare that you will see an actual "moment" on stage in local amateur theater. The days of that securely are in the retired hands and mind of Bo Thorp. Bo was a proficient director and actress. She created the Fayetteville Little Theater which later became the Cape Fear Regional Theater. Since Bo retired the shows have not been the same. Sitting watching, listening, and trying to understand and enjoy today's show, a recurring theme presented itself to me. It would not take much to make the shows better. A few simple directions or rather understanding about what they are doing is all that is needed. The first one is that words that are spoken are meant to convey meaning. They are meant to communicate with the audience. Speaking words to the void above the audiences head is not enough. The performers in today's show were capable. They are talented vocalists but struggling actors. It is not their fault. Quality musical instruction is prolific in North Carolina. Acting is a fleeting fancy, a lost art, and it made me want to help. I did help some by buying into the expression on stage during Act ll. After a small bottle of wine at intermission, I and probably others were ready for a more robust, hearty, and human experience. Suffice it to say, I don't want to verbalize the concept about which I am thinking. If I do then I will open myself up to contemptuous rhetoric of the Trumpian nature. What is jazz? Is there any real jazz? Jazz is anything. As a former college lecturer I will not go down this path, but I have to suggest about what I am thinking. Other than reciting lines to a void above the audiences' heads, the most egregious mistake in theater is ignoring the intent of the author or playwright. This applies to the sexual identity of characters in the narrative. While Trumpians may disagree God's creatures at least coarsely, were created with a specific gender. Whether the human race is supposed to evolve is not for me to say. I don't believe that evolution created modern man. I think it presents a solid argument for mother nature, because there is evidence in fossils that are dug up and studied. So far we have not discovered anything other than men and women, although today it would seem this is too confusing for some. They want to be the opposite of their gender of an amalgam of the two. Okay. My point is if you are going to perform traditional theater play or musicals, unless specifically you are creating a parody or satire, the original orientations of the characters must be maintained. What is jazz? Is there such a thing? Why can't we transgender anything? The answer is there is more to it. Once we were able to get past the four loud, angry, and assertive women on stage complaining about not having more in their lives including bee-yoos, then the chance of a better Christmas future presented itself. In retrospect this was the plot of this musical. Misery in the first act. Comedy and closure in the second act. I didn't see gender having anything to do with any of it. It is not uncommon to subject the audience to frumpy, sacharine, and boring women during Act l, and then "Delievering the Wow" in Act ll. (This is a reference to the cruise industry for insiders.) Today's flavor was not different. While I viewed these women on stage trying my best to ascribe some type of humanity to them through gender, necessarily I failed. Later I discovered that was the intent. Four unhappy women stuck in a VFW club during World War ll. One can still masturbate. The severity of their situation became clear, as they realized that mounting their own version of Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" would be positive. It was what they sorely needed. Eventually their situation and the situation of the characters in Dickens' play fused and communicated a common sentiment. People are struggling, and it is best to realize and understand it. Because the year 2020 America can not explain what has been beset upon us. Still we are embroiled in survival making it difficult to understand how much we have missed in this one year. I have lost four years of my life to this president, and it is not over. Even after leaving the presidency this man will continue to mount a communist coup against the American government and people. 2020 is a glorified taste of Communist oppression. No music. No theater. No dance. No small business. No recreation. No love. Get a big dose of it, because this is what Trump wants. What's the point? There are several. One is corporate America has destroyed out environment. The once neutral space in which humans could excel being creative and artistic has been destroyed. If you look at any movie, television show, or listen to music recorded prior to 1990, you will see and hear traditional human expression. Acting seen during this time almost feels dated, but its not. They did act, because acting previous to 2020 was tangible. They dug deep into their emotional wells and hearts, and it was expressed on their faces and in their bodies. This was important, and it was called acting. Today our space, the air around us which once was calm and supportive and rich with oxygen is violent, manic, destructive, and thin. When we exited the theater this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. what was before us? They were not fluffy cirris clouds adorning the Carolina blue sky. They were chemtrails. Chemtrails are the exhaust from a jet aircraft. It is white and wispy like a cirris cloud, but instead it consists of noxious gas comprised of carbon dioxide, oxides and of sulfur and nitrogen, unburned fuel, soot, and metal particles. These chemtrails appear over the city of Fayetteville regularly including the day after last year's Christmas. The day after Christmas in Cumberland County, our sky was a lattice work of low-lying chemtrails. Let's celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with a sky full of chemtrails. While superficially these white trails resembling clouds may appear unthreatening, it should be understood that with each chemtrail your see, someone else is consuming your oxygen and replacing it with greenhouse gas. A tax on emissions is ludicrous, when the tax should be on oxygen CONSUMPTION. In the same way DuPont and Chemours somehow think they deserve to dump their waste in our ground water, into neighboring rivers, and into our air, the aeronautical establishment, whether it be military or commericial, each aircraft burns oxygen meant for the mother nature and us. Not only do they burn the air in which the human race is meant to exist, they replace it with shit. That is a tall asshole in my book. Surprise! Look at the pretty low-lying chemtrails over Fayettenam. I only ask what is the mission? Why are they sorties on Saturday at four in the afternoon? Why did they muck up the beautiful blue sky the day after Christmas? I understand it is the United States military, and I tire of it. Other people live here too and many were here first. Likewise this unbalanced scale is weighted by railroads, who also burn massive amounts of our oxygen and replace it with shit. They still proclaim themselves "Green." Trying to describe the existence of infrasound to the red wave is like trying to talk to a dying Covid patient watching Tucker Carlson from their hospital bed. (sic.) The stage for humanity is our environment, and it has been hijacked, ransacked, and discarded. Without much left soon there will be no humanity at all. The Republicans all ready have devolved to animals.