Beethoven's 5th Symphony isn't helping my train of thought, however the slow movement of Mahler's 5th briefly restored my interest in and engagement with human life. Music is the most powerful art form with visual a close second. That is a bold and discriminatory statement, but I maintain my ground. It could not be proven today especially in America. As a nation we have little use for music anymore. Once we did. Once upon a time, as the adage goes, music was woven into our fabric of life. Perhaps it is and should be the fabric itself. We would be happier as people. It would be impossible to prove today for several reasons. This hypothesis, like the argument between Democrats and Republicans, merely would be discounted. It would be poo pooed. (I have decided catch phrases are okay in expository writing, because they are showing up on MSNBC.) "Grifter" is an example. The argument between the left and right has become nothing more than a shouting match. Joe Biden won the argument with truth, honesty, and knowledge. Donald Trump lost with lies, massive, far-reaching, and seemingly eternal lies. Still he is lying, and so are his Republican supporters. When you have no argument the current strategy of the Republican Party is lie and shout. They are shouting now, and it will get worse unless President Biden does something about it. Music no longer is important for the same reason all of the traditions of Americans no longer are important. Gilded castles. Golf clubs. Posh skyscrapers. Lavish luxury and excess. Why these are so necessary is because one lacks the basic core components for a happy life. That is opening Pandora's box. (another term we are not supposed to use in expository writing) What is a happy life? Because I am rambling, distracted, and irate I will try to sum it up. If we consider the human being a non-android, flesh and blood, piss and shit, cum and sweat living entity who at their core are animals with a larger brain, then our needs are simple. The problem is there are not being met. The basic needs of the human species have been sacrificed for corporate profit. Not only have the basic needs of the human species been sacrificed, the human species is being sacrificed for corporate profit. We do not hear much about this pagan sacrifice. It portrays no drama, no golden lamb, no burning bush, and no demonic pageantry. While this type of human sacrifice is evidenced in world history in some countries, our human sacrifice in America is more subliminal. It exists covertly, in the trenches, behind closed doors, and on the fringes of polluting manufacturing plants. Recently in the news it was mentioned the devastation corporate America is wreaking on neighboring citizens. Donald Trump said they were being paid enough money to stay silent, like somehow money could ease their suffering. This suffering was not just famine, pestilence, and poverty. It was and is debilitating and often fatal disease. People are dying at the behest of corporate America. One would like to think that isn't true. How could a large manufacturing conglomerate willfully want people to die, and yet DuPont, knowing that C8 was killing livestock and eventually people through cancer mutations, changed the name of the chemical and sold it to the Chinese. These Chinese continue to manufacture the same chemicals as DuPont (or originally 3M), and in the most mystifying scenario in American conservation release it unabashedly into the ground water, neighboring rivers, and the air. Let me reiterate that scenario. When DuPont first was prosecuted with a class action lawsuit in Parkersburg, West Virginia for doing the same, they settle for 350 million dollars. They claimants chose not to take this money and instead created a foundation whose mission was to formally study the effects of PFAS on human beings. This study took seven years, and when it was concluded proved conclusively this chemical causes high cholesterol, kidney cancer, pregnancy induced hypertension, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, and ulcerative colitis. Chemours in Fayetteville, North Carolina continues to manufacture this chemical and until recently also was releasing it into ground water, neighboring rivers, and the air. This polluting garnered scrutiny several years ago, and attention was placed on Chemours. Several years later some steps have been taken to mitigate this pollution. Locals wells were tested for the contaminant. It was found both down and upstream in the Cape Fear River, the Haw River and Jordan Lake. The chemical was not limited to Wilmington. Effectively human sacrifices have been taking place in America since her inception. People must die for the greater good, the availability of Teflon and Scothgard. There is one point here I do not understand. How is it that companies such as DuPont and Chemours feel they have the right to dump their waste onto our land? What tenant of responsible business or manufacturing would predicate that extreme and often fatal byproducts be handled by dumping them carelessly into the environment? Is there some Trumpian statute that says raw sewage from our bowels be dumped into our drinking water? Perhaps at some point in the evolution of mankind we discovered this was not a good idea. If men wanted to continue to live, not necessarily thrive, but live we shouldn't shit where we eat. DuPont and now Chemours believe the proper method of containing and disposing of their industrial waste is to dump it in the ground, the Cape Fear River, and the air. To understand this concept would be to confront the absurdity of the recent presidential election. Retired army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is suggesting that outgoing President Trump muster the United States military, mobilize it in swing states where he lost to Joe Biden, and conduct a new election of which of course Trump would be the victor. May I please point out that this conjecture is criminal? Oh. Mr. Flynn was convicted of felonies, but his sentencing continually was postponed, until Trump issued him a pardon. That my friends is the system working for you. Never could we point out that both DuPont and Chemours flagrantly are murdering Americans on a timeline and covering their tracks with fallen leaves. When I rise each day this now is on my watch. Chemours is in my hometown, and this company feels for some reason that they are not required to contain and dispose of their own waste. They can run a factory. They can employ workers. They can make a useful but harmful product, but they don't feel it is necessary to take out the trash. We could just let the beer bottles, fast food bags, cigarette butts, and cups pile up in the corner of the house, and then drag them into the creek out back. Who will know? Who would know that PFAS, C8, or whatever they decide to call it kills? American has known this for half a century, and yet ceremonially human sacrifices still are being made without the consent of those being sacrificed. "A few must die for the greater good." America: The Country Who Kills Her Citizens. The word Fascism comes to mind, and yet the offending Republicans would just shout, wave their hands, and plan another Trump rally.