Thursday, October 08, 2020

A Television Nation

 God seems to tell me when to write, even if I don't want to.  As I listen to the sounds of shelling at Fort Bragg, what comes to mind is I never want to see Donald Trump ever again.  It was so refreshing, inspiring, and cathartic to see Kamala Harris and Mike Pence debate.  I learned from this debate.  I don't know much about Mike Pence, and he doesn't interest me.  I was anxious to hear what he had to say, and he said it very well.  He is a silver-haired sly fox and the major reason why Trump is president.  Next to him Donald Trump is a bumbling, childish, recalcitrant disgrace.  I will give him leeway, but only because he is on powerful drugs that can alter your perception.  He was delusional before, but now on the drugs it is like watching a child with ADD play in a pen.  Only can I ask why the hell is this man saluting?  Donald Trump never served in the United States military.  Word is he dodged the draft.  We know the rest.  When I see him salute, something which he has no right to do, I know he is sick.  What is the correct word?  I feel sorry for him, because he knows not what he does.  It doesn't change what he is and how he has behaved.  It does not change his irreverence to the American people.  He has betrayed us, but he is sick.  Standing on a balcony saluting an empty lawn?  This is a child pretending to be what he admires, a communist dictator.  After watching two professional, well spoken, mature adults traverse a difficult situation, seeing Donald Trump has to be the biggest downer on the planet.  I never want to see him again.  He has had enough.  He has claimed the popularity contest, and now we are watching him fall from grace.  It is the American way.  It has become obvious that every word he utters pulls us into black hole.  That is how powerful his senile rhetoric is.  To not ever have to see him again and move on with our lives.  What glory.  Think about things again which are positive, sane, rational, and human.  Today I felt a wave of relief after watching the Vice Presidential debate.  Normalcy was restored if only until Mr. Trump has his way again spewing lies.  Mike Pence did an admirable job debating, and I learned about him.  I do not agree with most of his political perspective, but I understood it.  There were two things he said which I believe.  One is he believes the Corona virus came from China.  The Trump administration is passing the buck to China.  The "China Virus."  That is convenient for appealing to Donald Trump's base.  I do not think it is true.  I think it was, like Judy Mikovits said, sanctioned by the United States government.  It would not take much for a foreign infiltrator, most likely Russian, to commandeer this weapon and unleash it on America.  There is evidence to suggest such a thing.  The quote of Nikita Khrushchev saying we will take America without ever waging a war.  They have been successful, because extremism infiltrated America not in the form of terrorists but in the form of prominent business owners and elected officials.  Look at the Senate.  How else can we qualify their actions?  How can we qualify Donald Trump's actions?  It has become obvious over time that he and Mike Pence are a hoax.  He feigns Christianity.  "Our hearts go out to you..."  Underneath they just want power.  They use their approaches as a calculated tool to manipulate the American people.  Trump appeals to his base.  Pence appeals to his.  I believe  Mike Pence may be the more dangerous of the two, because he has it together.  No outbreaks from him.  Always smiling.  Composed.  Like a well-oiled animatronic robot in Disney's Hall of Presidents.  It worked, because they made it in in 2016.  The Trump administration has had four years to gain the trust of the American people.  If you look at what he promised and what happened, there is no reason they should be allowed another term.  The plants never opened.  Instead they closed.  Farmers lost their livelihoods in the "War on China," but he paid them off.  Everything he said or promised to the middle class in America was a lie.  Kamala was refreshing, because for the first time she brought things down a notch.  No more epic generalizations.  Taxes for those making less then four hundred thousand dollars a year will not go up, because the wealthy must chip in their part to live in America.  You can't squeeze alcohol out of a stone, and there is no more money to be had from the American middle class.  The money is distributed to the affluent, and it is they who must pay for America.  When Ronald Reagan came into office, the tax rate for the rich was seventy percent.  Seventy percent of their income went to taxes, so they were incline to find ways to defer that.  Try investing back in your company.  Try invigorating the middle and lower classes.  Get them spending money so capitalism can work.  Today all of the money sits in overseas banks sheltered from the needs of American governance and infrastructure.  Two trillion dollars in national debt and Trump cuts corporate taxes by twelve percent.  The largest companies in America pay NO taxes.  What Kamala Harris did was bring heart and soul to her platform.  There only is so far you can go with your antagonistic soap box shouting.  Donald Trump has crossed the line, and it has become a parody.  How could he be the leader of the free world?  It is because this is where America has been headed for a long time.  Question science.  Doubt academia.  Delegitimize the humanities.  Oppress the once beacon of light for the entire world.  Truly we have had a taste of war and communist rule.  The debate was a high point of the last four years.  It was not contentious, but it was polarized.  How can such disparity exist between people, between races, and between cultures?  We are not that different except that one group favors money, power, and popularity like television.