How did we end up here? Whence does the political vitriol come? Without Roger Ayers America may have remained sane. With the expiration of the Fairness Doctrine, news became potential entertainment. This is when the lies began. In light of a compromised media, which was predicted by George Orwell in his novel "1984," things were tooling along in the Trump administration. Then Covid hit just in time for the November election. Even with the onset of the pandemic, it is possible our presidential election could have been normal. Two hundred thousand lost lives would affect the outcome. A vacancy in the Supreme Court also would have an affect upon for whom you may vote. These issues are normal. What is not normal is the black hole into which the America people have been pulled. Hard working, diligent, patriotic citizens deserve better. We deserve better than vicariously living our president's fall from grace. It's kind of like a bad marriage. You know when it's over, because eventually the dirt has to be discarded for good to return. The American slave knew when he had to migrate north up the Mississippi River. To find opportunity one has to travel. If one door closes one finds an open window. America sorely needs an open window, and we are no better for having experienced the fall of an American president. What we have gotten a taste of is ensuing communism, war, and dictatorial rule. If there things aren't unpleasant enough we have had to witness the most prolific smear campaign in American history. It has a simple formula. Dispute the truth. Whatever is right, say it is wrong. Whoever is good, say they are bad. Create the largest disparity between Americans possible, so that civil war will erupt destabilizing the country. This is what Putin desires. His pawn is Donald Trump.