Sunday, October 04, 2020

The Iron Horse

 Time to assess again.  Disparity exists in the reporting on Covid 19.  When the top agency hedges on their responses, and like Lindsey Graham, completely reverses position over time, what are we to believe?  Most Americans have figured out we had better assess for ourselves.  We are own our on.  I have no reason to believe Judy Mikovits would lie.  Simply she said the Coronavirus was engineered from SARS in the labs at Fort Dietrich, North Carolina, and Wuhan.  This Wuhan lab was paid ten million dollars over time to collaborate, because the viruses readily were available in bats which lived in nearby caves.  These researchers disappeared.  We can assume they died of Covid 19.  I don't think any American would believe this virus just appeared.  It came from somewhere.  Why would we not believe Ms. Mikovits?  What we must ask ourselves is who and how?  Watching President Trump ignore given safety protocols sends mixed messages.  He does not believe, like many Americans, this pandemic is a real threat.  Healthy people don't die.  He is so desperate for re-election he will do anything.  The larger question still is who and how?  Fort Dietrich formally was called a center for biological warfare.  It was changed to biological defense.  We know the capabilities of the human race, and the holocaust only was eighty years ago.  Who unleashed this plague on America?  That is the question.  When a faction of America is so afraid of Latin immigrants, they want to spend billions of American tax dollars building a symbolic wall to keep them out?  There could be no more ludicrous endeavor knowing how successful drug smuggler have been over the years.  If our immigration protocol was more effective, it would not be a problem.  It like most government run programs is floundering.  When elected politicians focus on money rather than legislating, America suffers.  The most alarming realization is America's lack of support of public education has caught up with us.  We have become to stupid to recognize, understand, and solve our own problems.  The rich wanted this, but they will not live forever.  It is our responsibility to save ourselves and our planet.  It feels too late.  When you are tasked with educating the majority of Americans who know very little, the best way to reach them is?  How about a global pandemic which affects their income, their social lives, and about everything else for which a democracy stands.  A Covid 19 lock down is very similar to communism.  We have gotten a good taste of it.  Many Americans have decided their own happiness is more important than the health of the masses, hence they ignore the safety protocols.  Our freedoms as Americans affords us the right to do as we please, or does it?  While America is a free nation and an example for most of the world, the requirements of a functioning nations still exist.  We are not at liberty to do as we please.  All Americans have accountability to live.  We do not live as individuals.  We live in communities, and these communities have become more diluted and spread out.  The mainstream in America or "Main Street" as Obama called it no longer exists.  What holds us together as a nation?  Whether anyone would like to believe it or not, television has been a unifying force in America.  It through incredible artistry over the decades provided a hint of Main Street.  Many people believe great art merely reflects life, but art also can present examples of life.  This is when it is needed the most like now.  We are wallowing in the abyss surrounded by deceit and evil.  It is difficult to summon good and righteous intentions.  We are playing defense to a strong offense of attack.  Again the question is who and why?  Who unleashed this virus on America?  I am fairly certain that the method of dissemination is through the air.  That being the case for a virus to travel widely and inexplicably it would have to be spread through the air.  For the last two years aircraft have been flying over my home.  They are menacing.  I know for a fact that when one of these small aircraft is flying over my house, I feel pain.  There are a myriad of responses to this scenario.  One is I am crazy.  Another would be my words do not fall politely on deaf ears.  I write some inciting things, but everything I say I feel is the truth.  I am not stupid.  When FORSCOM or Ground Forces Command is less than ten miles from you house, it is probable your own personal civil rights no longer are a priority.  The military and war particularly demand their own importance.  If Congress makes a proclamation we are at war, the President has many more powers.  This has been used frequently in the last twenty years as a tactic.  The entire 9/11 attack could have been such a planned provocation allowing the Bush family to obliterate a complete nation not responsible for the attack.  It was proven over time.  Is Trump really sick?  Maybe Mitch decided he just needed to be quiet for a while before the election.  How are we to know what to believe? Only with honest and thorough news reporting do we have a chance of salvaging our democracy.  At first I joked this particular jet was dropping his feces and urine on my neighborhood.  Commercial airliners do this.  He would make a turn directly above our house and head for Grannis Field.  This began to happen more frequently until recently this jet began following me around town. Within minutes of exiting our house and going into the backyard, my friend this jet would appear.  I should feel flattered that such an insignificant person is of interest to the FBI.  Rather CSX or R3 or some other defense contractor does not like my words.  These defense contractors have sucked billions of dollars from the U.S. coffers, and still we have yet to use any of it.  When the time comes all radio communications will be lost, and we will determine a victor with hand to hand combat.  That is inevitable.  All of this game playing in the field with high level electronics is moot, and the people of Fayetteville and Cumberland Country suffer because of it.  We understand Airborne.  We understand deployment at the drop of a hat.  We we should not be subject to is random experimentation with dangerous electro-magnetic and acoustic technology.  Amanda Dolazinsky reported in the Fayetteville Observer that the new mobile radar they use in the field emits SOUND waves for the shells to bounce off of.  I suspect it is both ultra and infrasound.  Consequently when they are firing those howitzers there is yet another standing wave in close proximity to our house.  If radar is not enough, a standing electromagnetic wave.  The amount of electricity, static or other airborne energy, is prolific.  I have battled with this invisible nemesis for a while now.  I have installed power conditioners all over the house, and now my music systems are static free.  Batteries drain inexplicably at an accelerated rate.  Outlet arc.  Our wireless network snap, crackles, and pops.  It is a violation of our civil rights, but how can anyone suggest that?  An invisible menace that systematically has been ignored by the EPA, the FCC, and the rest.  They have been bought off like everyone else.  CSX is making excessive revenue at the expense of the health and well being of every American, because this network of trackage has been in place for a long time and is in our back yards.  We were not consulted when they began to implement Precision Railroading, non-stop freight and passenger service  with beefed up, steroid injected, AC traction heavy haul locomotives.  I have sympathy for any unwitting Jacksonville resident.  We as Americans had no say in this choice.  The iron horse built America as we slaughtered Native Americans.  Now it is doing the same to us.