Sunday, April 19, 2020
Missing the Capitalist Boat
The one thing I fear most is being thought a square. The definition of square recently has changed. It means emotionally compromised, a lack of security and self esteem, and possible homosexuality. The latter is not that important. A square is someone who is incapable of enjoying themselves, or rather someone who chooses not to do so for various reasons. Either their family upbringing was wrought with abuse, dysfunction, and frustration, or they have such emotional pain from loss they choose not to indulge in happiness. I don't see any disadvantage to being square other than you may be lonely. You will have no fans. Being thought of as square also means you aren't hip. You are not in the know. You don't know how to be cool or how to be relaxed and well adjusted. The one thing I fear most is being thought a square. Being square is ignorance and inexperience. There are educated people who are not hip. I call these people conservatives. This is what it is like where I live. These people would rather you not ride a bicycle on the sidewalk, because you may endanger other pedestrians, namely themselves. They are afraid and want to feel in control. This is the reason why people are control freaks. They have such insecurities and an inability to groove, they need to control their environments to feel safe. These are the republicans who control America. America no longer swings. America lost her swagger, when she forgot how to dance. This occurred when pop music annihilated Hip Hop on the Billboard music charts. Overnight a pinnacle of American pop culture, MTV, VH-1, and BET stopped play music videos. Music video had reached an apex that was insurmountable. Watch any Slim Shady video produced by Dr. Dre, and you will see an artistic achievement in American pop culture, whether you appreciate it or not. These music video shorts did for American music what the American popular song did for European classical music. They condensed an experience via a form into a shorter and more palatable version. A string quartet may last fifteen minutes like a classical symphony. An American popular songs lasts three minutes. The European musical experience was modernized, distilled, and commercialized. This transition was a huge economic boon to America. The owners of the music video networks professed, that reality TV had become more profitable than music television. I disagree. Reality television pales in comparison to historical American television. It is not in the same category. Comparing a Norman Lear produced television show to "Naked and Afraid" is like comparing Picasso to Garfield. That is a bad analogy. It is like comparing Barak Obama to Donald Trump. The Golden Age of American Television is art, and millennials never have experienced it. It is not their fault. There was a specific, chosen, and planned line of demarcation between America's current youth and America's past youth. America chose to exploit our millennial generation with tuition increases, with ignorance by lack of support of public education, and by isolation from knowledge and enlightenment. With a generation at play in America, it would be easy for a regime such as Donald Trump's to control them. His supporters are too stupid to know the depth of his disruption. Trump only has one thing in mind, and it is the same thing his faction seeks. They are communists. They are the same enemy America has fought for decades in an expensive, extensive, and time consuming Cold War. These communists sneaked into corporate America through the deregulation of business promoted by George W. Bush. Once America felt obliged to break up the Bell telephone system, because it grew too large and became a corporate monopoly. Likewise Washington sought to do the same to Microsoft, because Bill Gates demanded that Internet Explorer be bundled with Windows edging Netscape Navigator out of the browser market. Evidently someone at Netscape had enough influence to make this happen. The Justice Department sued and broke up Microsoft. These are examples of things which millennials do not know or understand. They have not been taught enough to understand anything involved in American government or politics. They have been coerced into addiction by Tim Cooke, the Sackler family, and by American railroads. Our life existence in America has grown so painful and unbalanced, we need something to keep up sane. What does any of this have to do with being a square? The example may be a pot calling the kettle black. Recently I heard a republican doctor called Bernie Sanders a communist. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud. Bernie calls himself a democratic socialist, whatever that is. He is not a communist. This was an example of the stupidity of which I speak. Socialism only is a publicly owned means of production, ideally for which everyone is provided. Unfortunately the human species is not capable of adhering to this socioeconomic system. Instead a small group of eager, narcissistic, imperial movers and shakers take control. They then oppress the populace with a military presence. Donald Trump idolizes this type of government, and he has said it many times. How his followers agree with this view is unbeknownst to me. The only answer is they agree with his view also making them communists. The reality is Donald Trump and his passe are communists, and they are the enemy of the democratic republic of North America. If people believe I am square because I know this, because I don't own a trophy wife who is my beard, because I don't have children that reap me a heightened housing allowance at Fort Bragg, and because I am straight, then I guess it is true. The entirety of my iniquities in life are having been selfish in my heterosexual relationships, having been relentless in my pursuit of musical excellence, and having never learned how to brown nose those influential people capable of choosing my own financial success and security. I missed the boat, really.