Saturday, April 11, 2020

Coup De Tat

Bill Maher truly is worried about Trump not stepping down from office if he is defeated by the democratic candidate.  It would be difficult to step down by defeat from the republican party, because no one has the balls to run against him.  That should tell you something.  I should say no one has the money, because that is the real truth.  The Ukrainian Mob is real, and there job is to intimidate politicians who see through Trump's charade.  It is frightening, because I now realize that ALL of the politicians are in it together.  Bill Maher is on point when he says Trump's people may re-elect him.  I don't think it is possible, but only twice in American history did presidents not receiving the popular vote win the presidency.  There is something fishy about it, and Trump's camp bribed the electoral college.  We are in no better shape now, because nothing has been done.  It is possible Trump could win again.  The pandemic was a plan devised and implemented by the Democratic National Party securing the presidency for Joe Biden.  James Carville I believe is the mastermind.  I asked a customer in a food store the other day how any Trump supporter could vote for him again seeing as this is the worst national tragedy we have had since 9/11.  Bluntly she said he didn't bring it here.  He is not responsible.  She believed it was biological warfare.  I told here there was credence to her story, but it most likely was Americans who carried the disease across the ocean.  Trump slapping on trade sanctions with China was a real enough reason for them to retaliate.  His presidency all ready is a mockery of America, but his followers are so bull headed and ignorant and don't keep up anyway, he just continues to tread water in his own created flood.  Would you vote for an incumbent president with this on his watch?  Who could?  Who in their right mind would vote for Donald Trump again?  While Joe Biden is not my first choice for the democratic nominee, he is okay.  He has had a plethora of political experience, and he is sane.  Does he have bouts of dementia?  I think the answer is yes, but in the high pressure world of politics he is doing okay.  He won't be running the country anyway.  Never does the president run the country.  Always it is Hank Paulson, Henry Kissinger, or Carl Rove.  There is someone behind the scenes pulling the strings.  What I am convinced of now is that there is no hope for America and American leadership.  They all are crooks, and the Corona Virus is just another feeble but successful attempt to empty the till of the American people.  Two trillion dollars?  Washington couldn't find money for universal healthcare, but they can find two trillion dollars to bribe Americans?  It could go either way like politics does, but I don't see how Trump could benefit in the November election.  He has to lose, or else the fate of America is sealed.  We are screwed as a nation.  Trump's people as Bill Maher is quick to point out are the military, the police, and the rest of the government employees.  It is such ridiculous hypocrisy that socialism will be the demise of America.  America all ready is run by and bought and paid for by communists, and they are Donald Trump and his posse.  These are the people that continue to suck on the teat of the American pocketbook, the retired military, the government contractors, and law enforcement.  These are the people about which Americans should be afraid.  I have said it before.  When asked to follow a corrupt Commander and Chief and go against the American populace, what will the military do?  Are they smart enough to have a conscience?  Do they know the difference, or will they continue to think only about themselves.  I am convinced it is the latter.  All of them.  The more I see it, the more I see this contingency in power, corrupt, and immoral the more I see what is coming.  A well armed militia is the last line of defense against a tyrannous government, and as such we must continue to bear arms.  Only the American people, those who have lost jobs from free enterprise, from small business, and from the voracious appetite of of a man made pandemic, are capable of saving America.  The rest, Trump's camp, are just another communist party looking for an overthrow.  They are in power now, and if Carville's concoction is not effective, they will remain in power.  It will not be long until America will be embroiled in another civil or revolutionary war.  When I shopped at the ABC store a few days ago, and there were lines and arrows on the floor telling me where to walk and stand, I professed that this would be the last time I stand in line at a liquor store.  We are not a communist nation, and standing in line for bread, toilet paper, or cheese is a blow to American freedom.  We are a joke of a country.  We are a mockery of ourselves, and it is our uneducated millennial generation largely driving this trend.