Saturday, May 09, 2020
Communist America
What would most Americans consider freedom? I have a renewed perspective of freedom in America, and ironically it consists of breaking the norms which have been cemented in our family. Family upbringing is a necessary and integral part of who you become, but also it can be an albatross. If success was a part of your family tree, then family can provide invaluable opportunities in American society. I was fortunate enough to have had this privilege. (I would like to mention also the snooping aircraft that now is flying outside my home) A new U.S. Army defense contract provides our fleet of expensive and high tech helicopters at Simmons Army Air Base with a new surveillance package. It includes infrared surveillance, cell phone monitoring, and acoustical targeting. Evidently Uncle Sam seems to think my Covid 19 response is exemplary, because he keeps watching and listening. I also will take this time to say hello to the Ravensberg family, who recently moved back to town. He is an army intelligence, and from his peculiar behavior I think he may think I am quite intelligent, although I have not been able to get my summer garden planted. He watches me frequently, and because he seems not to be going to work has a lot of time on his hands. It seems to be a not gender specific family. At times it is annoying, having someone in your personal space. It works both way. Does his scrutiny infringe upon my personal freedom? I think not, because when I choose to cook dinner I can shed the norms of society and fix whatever I please. Most nights it is appreciably better than restaurant food. Anything freshly bought and cooked is more nutritious and more free of viral infestation. It is possible to contract severe illness from purchased food, as America has experienced with romaine lettuce. All kinds of bacteria lurk in the ground in soil, on foliage, and the hands of transporters. If normal precautions are taken food born illness can be prevented. Illness spewed from a low flying Cessna aircraft or carried across thousands of miles from low frequency sound waves is a more recent concern. We have been diligent following the guidelines of our state. I wear a mask and gloves when shopping and am careful to distance myself from others. This feels like a breech of my freedom as does a curfew, the lack of availability of certain groceries, and the incessant and repetitive drone of Coronavirus newspeak. With my renewed perspective of American freedom has come a new perspective of myself. To work a job one must yield. Your behavior is determined by your profession and its requirements. Rarely is one able to be themselves on the job. We all are actors, and the more successful actors excel and climb the social ladder. I didn't learn this until later in life, which battle to choose and which battles to let settle into the ground. We have a fair amount of freedom in America. It has been proven by the lax enforcement of Covid protocols. Where I live you can get away with most anything except propositioning a prostitute on a street corner. For some reason conservative leadership round these here parts seems to think this is a primordial sin, when in fact it could be considered the oldest profession. I see nothing wrong with prostitution, only how it implemented, mishandled, and corrupted. In other nations it is legal, regulated, and monitored. In America the ruling faction wants all of the pie, therefore we cannot allow prostitution. The government wants a piece of everything, and this has become the norm during the Trump presidency. I never have experienced it before. Empty cabinet positions, non functioning agencies and departments, and the conscious abandonment of oversight. For three years America has run amuck, and the results are tangible. It is frightening. While the pandemic has been a challenge, it seems par for the course during this particular presidency. Only was I trying to discern which party was responsible for the premise. At first I thought it was the democrats, until I saw President Trump's television commercial during the nightly national news. It was startling. Before the Covid 19 crisis has been resolved, our president is touting his administration's success with its handling like it had been preplanned. Two specific sound bytes were troubling. They were two different governors thanking the president for his response. They were spliced together in a way that may have misrepresented their true meaning. The commercial was more like a film trailer, which had been prepared months ago. During this outbreak of disease it became apparent to me that no one is at the wheel of this country. We seem to have a delusional and out of touch president who is enamored with the communist rule of Kim Jong-un. I could only ask myself who would vote for such a man, unless they want a communist regime in place in America? The Cold War is alive and well again, and America's eternal battle against the Commies or the Reds is at play again. In this case the parties in play are disguised, misrepresented, and covert. Communism already has found its way into American government, and unless voting citizens feel strongly enough about America's freedom it will take hold and grow. What will happen in the coming months will be a taste of that new life.