Monday, January 02, 2017
A Billionaire Cabinet
Once I asked Wynton Marsalis a question. He was visiting Ohio State University in an educational endeavor concerning jazz music. Dr. Ted McDaniel was the director of jazz studies. Subsequently he has retired and handed his baton to Shawn "Thunder" Wallace. We sat in the Hughes Hall auditorium, and I was enrolled in the D.M.A. program in music composition. I have played jazz music most of my life but was being steered in the direction of Contemporary Classical Music. (You don't need jazz musicians to play this music) Jazz music in general has become obscure for reasons relating to the economic crisis of 2008, poor public education, and the loss of the professional music industry. If it doesn't work with an iPhone app... Well you get it. Jazz historically is called America's one true art form. Today the populace at large does not recognize art. Since the inception of Karioke live music performance has been neutered in lieu of the championing of personal egos. America has embraced the man, masturbates him, and takes his money with a sheepish grin. When a population becomes so shallow they cannot recognize and appreciate anything other than themselves, society has a problem. It is religion. Religion has become ignored in America. It is understandable when you are homeless and hungry why your values would change. A scrap of food, a sip of wine, or a fag could seem more important than a prayer, generosity, or art. Americans are scrambling for survival, and it is because after the 2008 economic crisis our currency is being held by a select few who betted against the American economy. We hear little about these men today. Corporations are required to disclose more than private citizens, and thus they are scrutinized more. Slowly we are becoming aware of where our money is. If it is not flowing through our economy freely to exchange hands, it is sitting laundered in a Grand Cayman, Swiss, or Chinese bank. While it may be accruing interest it is not invested in America. Those with this money have spurned the American people. We have been abandoned, and there is no better metaphor than two mile long munition trains headed to Sunny Point Ocean Terminal to be loaded onto commercial cargo vessels en route to the Middle East. Why are we supplying Afghanistan and Iraq? We are we investing in America's military rather than her own people and infrastructure? Each time I see expensive machinery at the cost of the taxpayer traveling to Muslims in the Middle East I question. Would not this money be better spent on bringing industry back to America, rebuilding our infrastructures, and repairing cataclysmic weather damage which recurs? Priorities in America have been skewed since the George W. presidency, and while Barack Obama did execute Osama Bin Laden, our economy problem and national debt are worse. It is clear why our electoral college chose Donald Trump to be our new president. Instead of bleeding heart liberalism... Well we all know. A cabinet of billionaires, those who have profited in the private sector, should be a good choice for righting the economic ills of our bloated federal government. Only if they embrace their new government jobs and the American people as their shareholders.