Sunday, January 01, 2017

Li'l Black Sambo and His Friend Uncle Tom

The media has been covering racism in America more, since police shootings of black men have escalated in recent years.  I hesitate to use the term media, because traditional forms of media such as newspapers and periodicals have dwindled since the promulgation of cable television and Internet news.  (or rather "Newspeak")  It is interesting that Internet news not that long ago was reliable and thus reputable.  I used to read the Reuters Hourly News Summary, and it was streamlined and accurate.  Suddenly Reuters replaced it with commercial, tabloid type, advertisement laden reporting, which has become the norm in America.  Media has suffered at the expense of tabloid media.  The line of demarcation between news journalism and tabloid fodder has been blurred and possibly on purpose.  Because Fox News has stumbled (the fall of Roger Ailes), and Donald Trump won the American presidency, media has been forced to take a step back and reflect.  While they are breathing and attempting to gain sure footing again, news in the meantime has become propaganda.  Now it is adolescent driven opinion and mostly an opinion decrying the downfall of the Democratic Party.  They are standing scratching their heads, and continuing through the appropriate steps of bereavement.  (Denial, anger, etc.)  It is obvious which media outlets are privy to which side of partisan politics.  (Not the way it should be.)  American media has become  partisan, since the challenge of the success of Fox News.   Racism has existed in America throughout the Obama presidency.  It inexplicably has escalated.  (And not only in the months since The Donald made is socially fashionable) The election of America's first black president didn't help race relations in America.  It exacerbated them.  It exacerbated them, because Barack Obama in all honesty didn't represent the majority of blacks in America.  (Perhaps Shaft would have been a better choice)  He was an elitist, and it was proven elitism in American politics no longer was to be the flavor of the day.  A majority of Americans felt alienated by the Obama presidency.  In a funny turn of events Democrats became the elite populace, and they stand scratching their heads wondering why the electoral college chose The Donald.  It is clear to me. 

 Change of Subject:  

American jazz music once represented integrity, honestly, God, human love, and values.  No longer is it that.  Perhaps jazz now is the appropriate metaphor for American media.  They all have sold out.  After trying to watch Lincoln Center award Herbie Hancock his prize, I only could stifle retching.  I have seen it before.  I have seen it on the Smooth Jazz cruises.  I watched Wynton's band do it.  Last night I saw two seminal jazz artists become the metaphor for racism in America.  I saw two token darkies dressed in black uniforms Uncle Tomming for the Man.  It was difficult to swallow.  Here were two of the best jazz musicians, two musicians I have respected and enjoyed for decades, kowtowing to the establishment.  Perhaps in their eyes, eyes which have aged and faded, they were happy still to be in the public eye playing jazz -oriented music they enjoy.  When the camera panned to the audience, a predominantly white mass who know nothing about the history of jazz music, it was apparent to me what jazz has become.  Like media it has become pop.  (Or poop.)