Thursday, May 05, 2016

Musical Insincerity

Ben Harper recently was being interviewed by Mr. Charlie Rose.  Like his interview with an Apple higher up, Ben gave a performance not unlike Jim Baker.  If one were to believe the rhetoric spewing forth from his mouth, one would believe the heaven's were opening and Ben Harper's new album was shining down.  "It is the most sincere album I ever have done," along with J.T.  Uh, what?  James Taylor also on Mr. Rose's program said exactly the same thing.  It seems his Scotch/Irish connection was destiny, and "This is the most sincere album I ever have done."  (Play simple James Taylor tune with new lyrics)  Funny, it sounds like the rest of his songs but with new lyrics.  If we all were to believe what is coming out of the mouths of struggling musicians, we all would believe, sincerely, it is the best work they ever have done.  Horse hockey, as the sound of a C-17 passes overhead.  Lying is rampant on television and on the internet, and it is being cloaked in sincerity.