Thursday, May 05, 2016

Advertising Coercion and the Hustle and Flow of America

I don't feel like writing, just as I do not feel like making music.  Congratulations and kudos to the 82nd Airborne and their German brethren for completing their clandestine and nocturnal jump activities at the Sicily Drop Zone.  There was a reason why I have not slept in days, the constant distant hum of low-flying paratrooper aircraft.  The security of a nation after all takes precedence to the peace and contentment of lowly citizens.  Such is the grift of owning a home in Fayettenam.  I am too tired to assemble a thought.  Torture is a bitch, and the Army should know.  Lack of sleep may be the first technique on the list at Gitmo.  Then again I don't live in Cuba.  I am not a detainee at Camp Delta JTF Guantanamo.  It feels like it most of the time.  I have come to realize how coercive television advertising has become.  The preppies of the l980's have turned to them internets and mass media to amass their fortunes built upon immoral and unethical practices. As I attempt to watch late night television the majority of the time I am watching late night advertising.  Often each channel I queue has an almost endless stream of commercials.  As I attempt to channel surf to a reasonable program, it seems big Brother has orchestrated I must watch commercials and only commercial.  Each network airs their commercials at the same minute mark forcing you to get distracted and lose interest in your program.  Is this destructive promotion or not for the television industry?  Often I think they are discouraging you from watching any content.  If the advertisements were pertinent, interesting, or entertaining it wouldn't be so painful.  Contrarily the subversiveness of the ads is frightening.  I assume they believe anyone watching late night TV is either stoned or drunk.  We do have a substance abuse problem in the U.S., and simply it is because our environment has been polluted to the highest level.  Life pretty much sucks if you walk out the door and try to feel good.  Consequently we try to buy our happiness with illicit drugs.  The conspiracy of drugs is no stranger to the conspiracy of television advertising.  It is unconscionable.  Television ad's have become fodder for naive unsuspecting children.  Never have I seen such subversive media.  No longer to ads try to explain the virtue of their products.  Instead subliminally they try to coerce you into buying their shit products.  It has become a bit like Romper Room.  The more childish the ad???  What gives?  Are millennials really buying these products?  I am ashamed of this country.