Saturday, July 09, 2016

A Failure of Public Education

When I allow myself to observe and try to assimilate currents events in the United States, only can I think that a massive failure of public education has occurred.  This failure whether conspiracy, a natural occurrence, or neglect has been coupled with Capitalism, our chosen socioeconomic system, and manipulated to oppress Americans who are not wealthy.  While as followers of Jesus toil and labor with nothing, it is difficult to imagine that even wealth today in America buys contentment.  Obviously that is not the case, as policemen are dead in Dallas, a retaliation for recklessness and racism in the Caucasian populace.  America always through Capitalism has championed both racism and slavery.  Even after massive loss of life through our Civil War, Southerners continued to wage our campaign of bigotry and hate.  With effective leadership in the White House the country has made great strides.  During the first Bush presidency the "Three R's" became a national campaign, and education was promoted through our system of public education.  America prospered through intelligence and the revering of our youth, the future leaders of this once great country.  Conversely "No Child Left Behind" left our teachers and our youth behind a Capitalist insurgency which usurped creativity, honesty, and Christianity in favor of cheap, prosperous, immediate gratification abandoning the future of America's economy.   In its wake America is floundering shrouded in a cloud of spin, government and corporate malfeasance, and greed.  It would be difficult to find a time of American history when we were less of a country.  No longer are we clever, hip, cool, or leading.  We are a representative contingency of whining rich kids accurately personified by Bieber and West.  We have become a joke, and with the emerging joke of America it becomes far easier to disengage and laugh.  Our survival instincts only can continue to worry about our salvation.  It is far too easy to continue to blame media, but media has become the culprit.  Communication is a more operative term describing the need for a country to unite and find common ideals.  Television and radio, once this voice, have failed on a massive scale.  What could one think, an immigrant visiting America, attempting to digest the mind numbing corporate and governmental propaganda hurled at us daily on television and through the internet.  As soon as an American opens their mouth, I cringe.  There is no readily available solution other than social unrest.  The violence which has beset America in response to social injustice will continue and perhaps proliferate until power is returned to the masses yearning to breath free.