Thursday, March 31, 2016
Donald Springer
It should be no surprise. Trump is a wannabe TV celebrity. It is surprising it took this long for his presidential campaign to descend into afternoon tabloid television. Tabloid television is where it began. Enter the former mayor turned talk show host. All of the pretense and propaganda cannot change reality. America has been doing this since George W., lying about reality. At least Trump rallies are exposing the true core of America. They did it during abolition. Why not now? It should be no surprise when the first murder occurs. I mean the fourteenth or twentieth. Just because short-penised ex-security guard cops are acting out their childhood oppression by killing folk doesn't mean they get to steal the show. There will be a murder soon at a Trump rally, and who will take the fall? It is great tabloid television. With Rupert Murdoch and Warren Buffet running the country and our media, it should be no surprise their personal profits take precedence over the integrity of America and her governance. Word.