Thursday, March 31, 2016

Harnessing Your Anger

Anger is a reasonable reaction to disrespect.  Perhaps anger's volatility is a potent antidote capable of dissolving illogic and neurosis.  Perhaps anger's volatility should be used as a vaccination against ensuing dementia.  When one's only contacts in tandem spew forth contradictory statements is it only a plea for their own well being?  Perhaps when you are struggling so are your friends.  So are your relatives.  It never seems that way.  Instead it feels like purgatory.  Consequently boundaries must be created and priorities set.  Anger is a reasonable reaction to disrespect.  I don't know about the rest of America, but I know I am disrespected often.  When humanity is struggling it is overwhelming, because you are your only salvation.  Is this correct?  Is praying to God the answer? Is asking for help from one's environment and friends and family the responsibility of God?  How can God possibly fix both?  I find it highly improbable, that God will solve either of my problems.  The national defense of the United States of America takes precedence. I did not choose to live in Fayettenam.  I did not choose to live on the perimeter of what now has become the world's largest military installation.  Until BRAC decided to conglomerate Ground Forces Command underground at Fort Bragg, my situation was not as desperate.  When I reflect over my depression in the early 1990's, two disparate things were in motion.  One was the beginning of AC traction technology, of which nary a soul in our country will acknowledge, its existence or possible negative impact upon our health and environment.  I am beginning to develop a neurosis myself about the phrase "AC traction technology," yet each day when I view the webpage of Reuters, the BBC, or the Huffington Post some "new technology" has made their front page.  Does strapping a lens to an iPhone like a giant dildo really qualify as "new technology?"  The technology we need as the human race to thrive all ready has been invented, but it is stale.  IBM is stale.  International Business Machines.  Remember them?  There only used to be two technology companies, IBM and Apple.  Now there are a host of "new technologies," who purport to be the holy grails of human existence.  They are not.  Wireless communication is not a new technology.  Only is it as a common tool for the common man. Once one had to become versed in HAM radio technology to communicate wirelessly.  Once one had to learn Morse Code.  Once one had to assemble their own computer consisting of parts such as a "motherboard."  Millennials are spoiled, naive, and ignorant, and it is not their fault.  It is the fault of Capitalism with a capital "C."  When the good of the nation falls a distant second to the wealth of a few, Capitalism has failed.  I am angry, and I don't want to be angry.  I would rather go about my daily business unabated and uninterrupted, but I can't.  The nation's defense takes precedence.  For two weeks, not unlike the two weeks surrounding Christmas, I have experienced a nation coming unraveled at the seems, as our jubilant military deploy to fight ISIS.  Since widely it has not been reported, I will coin my own phrase of operation.  It shall be called, "The Nocturnal Underground Railway of Fayettenam."  Not only do munition trains hide underground at Fort Bragg, the accompanying rail networks which serve Fort Bragg both directly and indirectly choose to hide in the dark.  I know because I hear and feel them minute to minute, day to day, and week to week.  (It is going on two weeks now, and my ears would appreciate a break from the bleating of the lambs)  It is like they now they are being hauled to the slaughter.  The tinnitus created by infrasound, another tidbit that our nation will not recognize, is like a death cry.  It is humorous and entertaining to see how Capitalists twist the inhumanity of untruth into product.  If you can't sleep, it must be your mattress.  We will sell you a better one.  If you can't fuck, it must be your testosterone.  We will sell you supplements.  If you feel unhealthy, it must be because of they way you are mistreating yourself.  This is the irrational and demented thought process of the mentally taxed and the aging.  It is alarming when logic is superseded by untruth, deception, and Capitalism.  This is what evil does.  It is disguised as truth, and yet it is untrue.  It is disguised as good, and yet it is bad.  Evil is the most wily adversary, and with the decline of the United States of America and its accompanying Capitalism it is the majority.  I do not think God can help, so what good is praying to Him about it?  Isn't it futile and childish to pray to our Creator to help with some of the problems?  Do for one's self I always thought, and yet it is not possible today.  The playing field is so mine-laden and tilted, I am having trouble sanctioning life.  Is it only me that is disrespected?  The rest go to the beach for the holidays.  I take abuse.  I clean the yard and cook the meals, and yet I take abuse.  I am the problem.  If I have a health problem, it is my fault.  There is no way this chosen property or town could be the source of disease or death.  Those people who are continuing to be diagnosed with cancer at alarming rates are all at fault.  They are bad people.  This is the thought process of the mentally taxed and demented.  It is difficult, recognizing this thought process and rising above it.  It is difficult when there is no one there, and the thought of praying for assistance to God seems selfish and inane.  How possibly can God fix America?  How can God reign down on the evil inherent in modern Capitalism and stop it?  Possibly the answers are snow and ice and rain.  When it snows and freezes the tyranny stops for a few days or a week.  Is it because airplanes no longer can fly?  When it rains buckets and the earth becomes drenched in the life-giving properties of water, it stops.  Is it because manmade ills cannot penetrate?  Is it the weather that will be the judge and jury?  Not if we control it.