Tuesday, June 02, 2015
On Bruce Jenner
Nothing could substantiate the amateur, trivial, and tabloid nature of America's mainstream media better than Bruce Jenner. Foremost the public must remind themselves the second most widely recognized personality today is not on the level. Jenner's transition, while possibly sincere to him, is the perfect epitome of America's current news system. It is not real news. It is the other thing. Jenner's metamorphosis ultimately satisfies all of the requirements of the "other thing" without being real news. It is the perfect platform for him publicly to voice his self-hatred and inability to manage the aging of a fallen star. He is not the only egomaniac ferverently searching for a new awakening. There are many in Hollywood. Not that many would take it to such an extreme. His self loathing must be substantial. Not only does he thrust himself back into the public eye as a sixty-five year old retired athlete, he catapults himself artificially into the hearts of the gullible. He is a saving grace. He is a torch. Before he was nothing. That was an effective plan. Many will fall for his ploy. Vanity Fair gets their provocative cover story and photograph. The Kardashians reap yet another dose of unmerited fame. Jenner's ego is quieted finally. Only can I laugh when the image of Caitlin Jenner covers the screen. Am I the only one laughing? Secretly underneath those recently re-assigned genitals someone is laughing all the way to the bank.