Sunday, June 07, 2015

It Doesn't Have to be All or Nothing in a Democracy

America annoys me.  I tolerate her the way an irate parent tolerates their misbehaving child.  Why do I have to discipline my country every second of my waking life?  Evidently the sensibility of America's "West" still is at play, and as it should be.  This is one fundamental that has sustained the test of time in America's history.  The difference between good and evil now is so spun and thus obscured, it is difficult to discern truth from Newspeak from the "establishment."  I will begin to substitute the term "establishment" for media.  By media I mean television, radio, the internet, newspapers, and magazines.  All of these venues have succumbed to an overt political bias, possibly because of by whom they are owned.  No longer are they neutral.  No longer harmlessly do they seek to inform and entertain.  Today media is one large propaganda machine.  This is an iconic revelation, and one that will emerge in history books when America decides to cleanse this infected wound.  It will take time.  America annoys me.  She annoys me, because we are not on the level.  We are full of contempt and hatred.  We are recalcitrant without knowing against what or whom we are rebelling.  We show the hallmark symptoms of being psychologically disturbed.  I believe this exactly is how the "establishment" wants it.  Gone is a level playing field.  Gone is the existence of the American Dream.  Gone is the true practice of Christianity except in ridiculously anachronistic traditions which promulgate our continued naivety and ignorance of this truth.  In Fayettenam the populace flocks to these bible compounds thinking in some way they will be protected from this ensuing reality.  The revolution has begun, and it is not for the people.   Burying one's head in is not a viable plan but most do it.   While I believe in God I do not support organized religion.  In Fayettenam it is a metaphor for "tax deduction."  Organized religion using its political status as a means of economic fortitude should suggest that things are awry.  If the common man cannot make an earnest living in our chosen socioeconomic system, then something is wrong. Ironically the mafia understood this problem clearly, and in an attempt to harvest their own American Dream devised their own system of economic reward.  Who's to say that it wasn't merited?  Organized crime.  With the sheer amount of corruption in American commerce and government, no one is looking out for the common man except the Godfather.  America annoys me because her attention span is that of a chimpanzee.  We are insulted minute by minute by the suggestion that we have learned nothing from our schooling, that we cannot see past tomorrow, and that we care for nothing other than immediate gratification.  It is these things, or the establishment  is marketing themselves to stoners.  Starkly it is evident that the psychological health of America has been compromised.  It began over a decade ago with the mainstream emergence of ADD.  While it is not reported upon anymore [sic] neither is anything of any significance to the well-being of the American population.  The establishment slowly and secretly has converted itself into one large undulating propaganda machine.  It is so large, that I have trouble finding any evidence of real truth anywhere.  We are on our own.  Day by day I am amassing the tenacity to, "Just turn it off."  Barbara Bush said, "Just say no."  I want to, "Just turn it off."  America annoys me not because she is childish.  She annoys me because of her ridiculous, "Do or die" sentiment concerning everything; "All or nothing" as the songs would tell you.  It does not and should not be this way.  Modern, temperate, and mature populaces do not choose Professional Wrestling as their model.  Modern, temperate, mature populaces invest in their people, their infrastructure, and their governance as a means of sustenance.  If you want something to remain, then you do not abuse it.  If you care about something, then you respect it.  If you love something, then you treat it with love, not contempt.  We have become a contemptuous society, because American marauders have infiltrated our society and planted seeds of Communism, not Socialism.  The tenants of Socialism, contrary to American understanding, are positive despite how our establishment screams about them.  This is an example of their spin.  Compared to our current socioeconomic system, socialism is a walk in the park.  Socialism at its core seeks to maintain the well-being of the populace.  It does not seek to empower the few.  Socialism at its core seeks to maintain moderation, not a campaign of fear and intimidation.  America annoys me, because she is being exclusionary.  The mainstream of American intelligence is being undermined by an immature, egocentric, grandstanding child.  This child would have you believe that tomorrow will be your last day, if you do not believe what it is saying.  It would have you believe that a war is raging outside your door, and your survival relies upon your believing what it says.  Moderation.   Only could it be that the American art form of Rock 'n' Roll  has contributed to this sensationalism.  I can think of no other commodity that would champion the slogan, "Take no prisoners" as it motto.  I have a friend who is a musician, and we disagree on one point.  For some reason he believes all musical artists want to sell a million records and become a star.  I disagree.  I am a musical artist, and never have I wanted to sell a million records or become a star.  Nothing could be further from my mind.  Contrarily I would like to have my music be  available to the public for their consideration.  That is all.  It is not, "Do or Die."  It is not, "All or Nothing."  It is not, "Take no Prisoners."  Why would it be?  The traditional but now defunct platform of capitalism embraced competition.  It saw a competitive market place as system for motivating non-performing products, inspiring innovation, and fostering a respectful work force.  Was it Microsoft with its forced bundling of Internet Explorer with their Windows operating system that set the example for this cut throat style of commerce?  Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world.  Has that helped America?  No.  It only has made him rich.  It has not helped our infrastructure, our marketplace, or the education of our youth.  Capitalism in this circumstance failed.  Everything in America today seems like it is all or nothing.  There can be no finer example of this than the craft and art of music.  For lack of no viable alternative I listen to WCPE.  It is the only radio station that does not drip with propaganda.  Even after a continued week's worth of listening its inevitable propaganda emerges.  We do not live in the Classic Era.  We do not live in an era of royalty and court.  We do however live in a class system, and without the presence of jazz music to counter this one-sided presence, I find myself tiring of the staid and square rhythms of classical music.  It does not swing.  Without diverging into a heated argument on the definition of swing music, only can I say that in fifty-two years of existence on this earth that swing rhythm is the toil of man waiting for the response of God.  As the slave hits the earth with his hoe, patiently and diligently he waits for the reciprocative rebound of God's hand.  If only he were to strike the earth in livid dissent of his captivity, then nowhere would there be a place for God's consignment.  Swing was born of pure necessity, the necessity of God's existence and love.  Without God there is no swing rhythm, and thus today America is a swing-less land.  Jazz conspicuously is absent in America, and I find it fully insulting that a performance by Wynton Marsalis's band at a jazz festival is considered its only evidence.  Jazz is the voice of man in God's existence.  The reason why it no longer exists in America is twofold.  Again without diverging into a heated argument on the definition of jazz music, easily it can be said that jazz music is pure.  It is pure, because there is no middle man.  Its voice, its message, and it resulting emotional response are pure.  They emerge in tact, born, and functioning from their inception.  There is no middle man in the definition of slavery.  This is what gives jazz its remarkable power. While a classical contemporary classical composer myself, I tire at the sound of orchestra music over time.  There are times in my life, when I rather would not listen to sixty trained musicians in a concert hall led by a conductor.  It can be pretentious.  There are middle men in the production of this music, and sometimes musically intimacy is what I seek.  Sometimes I want the music I hear and feel to be more pure.  How is this possible?  How could a symphony orchestra playing a work of art not be considered pure?  It is pure, but it may not be intimate.  Often it is intimate, but how intimate can it be with sixty musicians, a concert hall, and a conductor?  Jazz music solves this problem.  The music is pure and intimate, because often it emerges directly from its creator.  There is no middle man.  The message, the voice, and the emotional intent come from the same source, one artist.  Jazz music for this reason has been at the forefront of America's music scene since its inception, until now.  America annoys me, because a generation of selfish, egocentric, recalcitrant children think they deserve something.  They think they deserve something, because daddy's  money always entitles.  In stark reality they do not deserve to stand in the stream of piss of a real jazz musician.