Saturday, January 17, 2015

An Assault of Kinesthesia

What is kinesthesia?  Kinesthesia like infrasound is something in which America no longer is interested.  Unlike the l980's when cocaine and its result, exercise and fitness, were popular America today is apathetic.  We want weed.  Because we cannot control and therefore fix our polluted American environment, we retreat.  I myself have learned how to retreat.  I no longer seem to be able to use my own kinesthesia in my favor.  My "mojo" is dormant.  It is hiding, because it knows it cannot win.  The Republicans once again have changed the rules to favor their own game.  The playing field has been tilted, and we as a populace are losing.  Instead we are retreating, trying to find some respite from the pain and suffering.  Why do we deserve to suffer again?  Possible it could be because recent generations of Americans have been spared the tumult that has occurred in other periods of American history.  We have had no Civil War.  We have not had the fight for suffrage.  Still we are battling civil rights.  It is possible we are seeing things of which we have been immune for several decades.  Somehow we as a country side-stepped strife, the strife of the Great Depression, the strife of world wars, and the strife of injustice.  It is hear again.  Only can I think that human solutions must be created by human ideas.  Human ideas come from humanity.  Humanity comes from humans.  The very process of being human or rather being a human  is key.  Humanity traditionally has allowed us to capitalize on the human body and the human mind.  It is a coexistence of both that transcends the human spirit.  Ideas, thoughts, and feelings combine in creativity.  We are rewarded with our senses, and yet also we use them as an impetus for creation.  Today that physical or rather somatic methodology is moot.  No longer do we tap into and rely upon our sensory perceptions, because they are being mangled.  The once clean canvass of our landscape has become so polluted with electricity, sound, and toxins it is a miracle the human race has survived.  Consequently we have become a race of zombies.  It is fitting seeing as this is mainstream American entertainment.  It we continue to fail to reinforce artistic successes in our country, it will not be long before they are forgotten.  We will be burning books like there is no tomorrow.