When I went out today I saw illegal immigration first hand. I went to a store. It was huge. It was a warehouse. It was impersonal. They should provide maps to the stars homes. I mean they should provide treasure maps at the door, a little stand with leaflets with an alphabetical listing of the products offered and their respective aisle numbers. Extensive search and rescue would not be needed. Grocery stores should have the “Sam Ting”.
I once met two men both named Olie Olefsen. I asked the Chinese man how he came to be named Olie Olefsen. He replied that when he went through United States Immigration he was asked his name. The man that was in front of him’s name was Olie Olefsen. When asked his name he replied, “Sam Ting.” Bucket o’ fish.
Deliverence. Who would have ever thought such a thing existed as macho red-neck fags? I am reminded of it everyday as I drive around the streets of Fayetteville. I am being politically incorrect, but sometimes “calling a spade a spade” is the only language that has enough impact to clearly represent the issue. I don’t think these guys would want to be called homosexuals. Life in Fayettenam is rough. The people that live here are tough. Smoothing over distasteful images (or PC) creates psychosis, but then so does dwelling on them in the media. There has to be a happy medium.
The streets during the work day are littered with illegal Olie Olefsens. How do we know they are illegal? Considering the lengthy amount of time it used to take to immigrate to the U.S., you can imagine poverty doesn’t help. That is what is creating the issue with immigration in the United States. When people are so poor, it is difficult to defer their situations. People come to the United States, because compared to the third world countries from which they come, we are the land of opportunity. Like government, our real state of affairs is out-of-date. We need a make over. We need to reassess our Condition of America. Are we still the land of opportunity? Are we still the land of the free and the home of the brave? When I continue to see extremely poor people driving around in beat up compact cars with hub caps missing. When I see trailers of cheap gardening tools being pulled around. When I see bros from the hood on foot. When I see Mexicans wearing tattered sheds for clothing. When I see these same Mexicans blowing leaves at trailer parks with a group of their friends sitting around for moral support. Are these the images of America we want representing the “American Dream?” America, land of the macho red-neck fag. We badly are losing the war of Nature versus Nurture. If don’t begin conserving our environment, our history, and our culture, then it won’t be long before the American we once knew will cease to exist. Mad Max and Thunderdome (not Thnderdom!) is right around the corner from where I live.