Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Removable 'Nads

I would like to have my testicles be removable, like batteries. When I don’t need them or I don’t want them to be effected, then I can take them off and place them on the shelf of the medicine cabinet. Then I wouldn’t have to feel an artificially induced “blue balls” from my youth. From whence does this come?

Maybe corporate America could design cyber-testicles. Of “Borgian” proportions we could buy them at the drug store. They could come in various sizes with the appropriate amount of testosterone in them. If you have a task that needs “big balls” you could choose the large ones. If on the other hand you would rather not be effected on a particular day by your sexuality, then you could choose “blanks.” Much like the emotion of love, a feeling that has the power to kill you, your sex drive can be equally as harmful. Too bad Mr. Bush will not allocate federal money for stem cell research. Interesting that he will allocate billions of our tax paid dollars to fund the killing of our troops in Iraq.