"Remembering Our Lost Friends" is a Facebook group. It focuses on Fayetteville, North Carolina residents who die too early, specifically many who attended Fayetteville Terry Sanford High School and the Fayetteville Academy. I have had friends on this list. Abstractly we have known the challenges of Cumberland County. Because there is substance abuse, and I feel this abuse directly correlates with the challenges of happiness living here, people are reluctant to speak out on the these ills. Not that long ago a notable family who lived in historic Hamount succumbed to these forces. The father filled his family and then himself. He was martyred at his funeral as a pinnacle of the community, and yet he killed his children and his wife in cold blood for no apparent reason. There is no such thing. Always there is a reason, and the powers at be choose to sweep it under the rug. Drug distribution has escalated with the emergence of tobacco/vape shops, and many of these rogue stores are run by outsiders. The indigenous population of Fayetteville has been infiltrated with foreigners, and there is reason for concern. It was not until Donald Trump became President that a negative impact began to surface. He sought to separate America and instigate warring among native tribes. Foreign operatives have become the henchmen in Trump's scenario. Always I have been open and fair minded about American immigration until now. Always have sought to trust my friends and neighbors until now. When you realize these people have begun attacking you and are trying to push you out, it becomes a different story. You must fight. Neighbors are one thing, but the forces greater than the individual are more difficult to mitigate. The most daunting would be the United States military, because they can use the ruse of normal training to do whatever they please including transporting illegal narcotics. There is a defense mechanism connected to this activity, and hence there is paranoia. Fentanyl is not a good drug, and it has killed hundreds of thousands of American. We must understand that is its purpose. It is not being distributed to make life easier for Americans. It means to kill us. Why else could or would anyone need a drug so much more powerful than tradition narcotics? American industry must be transporting Fentanyl, and containers were found on CSX freight trains. Deregulation has caused this problem. If anyone would take the time to remember two decades ago, commercial airlines were how lower Saudi royalty attacked the World Trade Center twin towers. These were friends of the George Bush clan, and it concerned petroleum. Osama Bin Laden offered his assistance to Saudi Arabia, and they refused him as an infidel. He became angered, and began his campaign against the United States. If the Bush's had made peace with this man, we would not have had this problem with Middle Eastern terrorism. George W. Bush created ISIS by leaving American military equipment in Iraq. There has not been a President with integrity in my lifetime. Only John F. Kennedy, and they murdered him and his brother. They murdered Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. No matter how much we would try as a nation to forget, racism has been rampant. It is best to remember it clearly. I have spent much of my life as an adult abroad. I have lived in Columbia, South Carolina (which was racist) and Columbus, Ohio (which was surprisingly liberal and fair minded). I spent ten years in the cruise industry traveling all over the world being exposed to different cultures. Most of them were more advanced then current America, but most would agree America has regressed in recent years. Perhaps my sensitivity to historical world strife has been augmented by my own personal health struggles as a result of Covid 19. It may not have happened without the Covid molecule, because it was engineered to do what it does. It finds your smallest weaknesses and exaggerates them into full blown disease. It has a nerve agent, and it stays in your body a long time. My journey of ill health was a long and rocky one. Before Covid I blew out my lowest disc lifting a heavy oak trunk. I heard it pop, but I didn't know what it was. I had a back ache for two years, and eventually my lowest vertebra fused to my pelvis. I found this out a few years later reading the radiologist's report from a CT scan. All of my discs had diminished by this time, and that was a result of another pathogen instigated by the emergence of Covid. Pelvic infections are common, but a blown disc becomes a weak spot for future infection. Unfortunately it is difficult to diagnose, and ultimately surgery to debride an abscess in the spine is when they harvest a deep culture and find the culprit. Various antibiotics were tried and did keep me alive and active, but the referred arthritis never stopped. It became painful to walk. Secondly working in the yard in the same place, I developed a tooth ache. I had a resorbtion cavity in a back molar caused by an impacted incoming horizontal wisdom tooth. It destroyed the molar from the inside out, and for months I was swallowing this bad bacteria. The first time I had this happen on the ship, it caused H. pylori in my gut. Two weeks of the appropriate antibiotics, Amoxicillin plus one other, treated that for the most part. An oral surgeon extracted the molar and the impacted wisdom tooth with no problems, but shortly thereafter an abscess appeared on my shoulder. I thought it was from an Orb Weaver's bite, because they spun huge webs in our back yard, and often I would walk right through them going to turn off the pump. There was no pain, which was an indicator of actinomycosis. Over time unbeknownst to me on my back below the abscess, a hive-like area appeared on my skin with black spots that began to itch. I was gardening at the time, had fungus on my feet from the ship, poison sumac on my legs, and open wounds on my fingertips from chopping garlic. Open wounds of any kind are easy access for more bacteria or fungus, and digging in the dirt, planting, and spreading cow manure were the wrong things for me to be doing. Also I dug a new garden patch and acutely remember breathing in a huge waft of foul soil. That was the beginning of a lung infection that lasted several years. My skin became pallid, my contact lenses became infected, and I developed a fiery rash on my forearm that spread to my first two fingers and joint in my thumb. Inadvertently this got spread to the penis, up the urethra, and to my right kidney. This bacteria was Enterococcus faecalis, and it comes from your poo. It also not surprisingly lives in the soil. Thus began peripheral neuropathy on my right side, that began behind my right eye and ear and ran the length of my right side. My feet became infected, and each night I had to peel the rotting skin off my my little toes caused by its exotoxins. Psoriasis developed consequently, and these plaques began to crawl up my shins. When I had been at the dentist, the hygienist commented on the condition of the roof of my mouth. After several years of piecing together gratuitous health care with no insurance, and later receiving Medicaid with Obama's expansion money, I was able to take the disparate words of the test results and comments of the various providers and formulate a diagnosis with the help of GOOGLE. The facts were very specific and fit my symptoms to a tee. A bacteria that does not effect the bladder but only the kidney. Recurring sinus infections. Systemic skin infection. Referred arthritis. Raw wounds on the feet. Difficult to culture. Existing as commensal and faculative. Needing another bacteria as a trigger. Recurring pelvic infection. Actinomycosis was the culprit, a bacteria that masquerades as a fungus and lives in the oral cavity. It needs another bacteria to activate it. The operative lessons learned are, our world has become infinitely more dirty. Spewing micro-dust (blacks soot) from low flying commercial jets allows bacteria and fungus to create a biofilm often that can become fatal. This soot is the medium to which the pathogens attach. This exact phenomenon happened at the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. Its shiny stone dome became black and slimy covered with a dangerous biofilm created by low flying commercial jets. They spent millions on laser treatments. What is the homeowner supposed to do? We retreat indoors.