Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Probable Armageddon?

Not only is the United States under the auspices of a "Heat Dome," also we are in a vacuum of accurate, factual, relevant information.  No one says it, and the media is almost in complete denial of reality because of corporate pressure, but the causes of most of America's problems (and the world) are simple.  They are being spun, hidden, ignored, and brandished for greed and global power.  The "outbreak" of Covid 19 was the same.  It was manufactured in the Wuhan Lab in China with United States government subsidized money hidden by the shell entities of the Center for Disease Control, National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, and the Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center.  Luckily Rand Paul's Royalty Transparancy Act of 2024 unanimously passed in the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committees.  The severity of the Covid outbreak was effective masking more dire and consequential problems in global health and life.  All indicator's seem to be pointing to a "Logan's Run" scenario, where humanity almost destroys the earth and chooses to live in a self-created biodome.  Elon Musk wants to desert Earth for Mars.  We have been growing food in artificial greenhouses for years.  Only pure evil could champion such a concept, destroying the Earth or rather attempting to eradicate the human population, so Greek God's will have full reign to frolic in God's paradise.  A Heat Dome is caused by an absence of oxygen, causing us to try to live in a vacuum.  It is an effective weapon of destruction, since life on Earth cannot subsist without oxygen.  Progress continues to raze much needed forestry, rain forest, and local foliage.  The illness of the Earth is what promulgated Covid, and this illness is being disguised on a massive scale.  Media, in sickening displays of sycophantic obedience (to Trump in his puppeteers), report the weather directly from the sources of its industrial disruption.  A "Heat Dome" has a tangible cause, and often it is the United States military.  America's military is nothing more than another shell entity being instructed by the same evil that is controlling the rest of the world.  Its' members simply are indoctrinated to conform, be silent, and take their pay.  If they are lucky they get a "shelter at home" order, before hell breaks loose in their local environment.  So many things are contributing to this assault on the Earth's health, it is difficult to discern their roots.  Private and publicly traded companies are to blame, and share holders are pacified with dividend checks.  This assault on the world is as complex as Hamas' attack on Israel in October.  The Washington Post printed an excellent and telling front page article explaining the depth of this attack.  It was several years in the making and relied upon confidential and secretive national security information that sat in Donald Trump's bathroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.  Openly to guests he bragged about their value (stolen documents), and his dire financial recession necessitated their sale to the highest bidder.  The attack on Israel by Hamas was a convenient diversion from Trump's legal matters, and the case charging him with possession of these stolen documents has been stalled by his newly appointed minions in the courts.  That Environmentalism would be the salvation of the world seems silly.  "Save the whales!  Save the rain forests!  We need clean water!  We need clean air."  The proponents of these issues, often people with earthy, Hippie, native cultural perspectives easily of are made sport.  They have been an easy dupe for the Evil.  A simple campaign of misinformation and gas lighting has sufficed, but it began with the deconstruction of religion, public education, and and the polluting of media with propaganda.  This VACUUM is the world's most dire, threatening, and extreme antagonist.  Eradicate oxygen and fill the atmosphere with toxins including electromagnetic radiation, biofilms of algae, bacterial, and fungus, then try to breathe a breath of life.  Add a deadly man-made pathogen to the mix, and you have a formula for mass annihilation.  Anthony's Fauci's response was counter-intuitive to the majority of the established medical community.  Someone, probably Big Pharma, created their crisis and would offer a partial solution for their own gain.  The DuPont and Sackler families have been killing Americans for years, and no living human being on this earth does not have forever chemicals in their blood.  That American government never has been able to eradicate this threat shows the power of these family units that control the world.  DuPont chooses to litigate murder and disease on a case by case basis, and PFAS still is in the American watershed.  They change the name of the chemical, and stunted and underfunded Washington agencies struggle to keep up.  Only recently has North Carolinian Michael S Regan, as Administrator of the EPA, been able to change the status of C8 to a carcinogen.  I would rather not have had to fight these battles in my last chapters of life, but other generations of Americans have had it worse.  Slavery it would seem, no matter how much you ignore Critical Race Theory, is the soul of America.  With its far reaching negative connotations for all  Americans, the effects and results of the human struggle to survive this heinous ill bred spirituality, invention, innovation, culture, and art.  These are the will of the human being to survive and be human, and grievous odds were overcome.  If Facebook has a groups page called "Remembering Our Lost Friends" specifically devoted to residents of Fayetteville, North Carolina, then there are tangible reasons why people die more often here.  These reasons escalated with the Covid outbreak, and now the underlying assault on our and the Earth's health is being disguised for corporate and military greed.  To build a new historically black high school beside a rail yard at Fort Liberty, so the base can get federal dollars from the Pentagon is the most callow, selfish, irresponsible misstep a local government could make.  It would be the metaphor for the Evil that has attempted to overtake the world.  About who are we thinking?  Our children?  The future leaders of the world?  We are thinking of none of this, because the Earth and the human race now is seen as expendable.  It is prophesied in the Bible that Jesus will return to the Earth a second time, and those who are saved with be transported to a new planet of His making.  Those who refuse the salvation of God and His Son will be left in Armageddon to perish in hell flames as fire rains down from the sky and up from the oceans.  Is this to what we have to look forward in our lifetimes?