Thursday, February 08, 2024

The Trumptopian Coup

It is easy to blame the Trump presidency for a languid interpretation of the United States Constitution, but it began with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.  They cozied up to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and forged a liberal and overstepped role for the Vice President.  Courting SCOTUS is nothing new, but it has reached a critical point.  Today is the day for which Donald Trump planned.  There has been undo pressure for the United States Supreme Court to decide a blanket ruling that will effect all fifty states.  I do not agree with this political pressure, and if SCOTUS does hedge and allow Trump to stay on the ballot in Colorado, how and why should it blanket litigation in every other state?  This is what for what state courts were devised, and elections are and should be governed by the states.  Preemptively trying to rely on self-appointed justices with favors is a reinforcement of political malfeasance.  It will be interesting in a very short time to hear how these justices rule.  My feeling was until Trump is convicted of insurrection, and he has hedged that Washington case with an appeal, there is leeway for interpretation.  It is, "He said, she said," and the justices can assert their own personal opinions.  This has not been favorable in the recent past.  Trump's skullduggery is winning at the moment, but allowing him to stay on the ballot does not assure his future political success.  There is plenty of evidence against him.  It only will take time for that to unfold, and there is time before the 2024 election.  If SCOTUS does try to make a blanket ruling, which they have done before, it undermines the entire reason for having state governments.  State governments proved to be the weakness when Trump won, because his campaign exploited individual electoral weaknesses in various differing states.  This is the nature of checks and balances.  We are moving toward an autocracy supported by a band of thugs.  Instead of political posturing the court should render a thoughtful and nonpartisan rendering of the part of the Constitution that seeks to protect America from insurrectionists.  Is Donald Trump an insurrectionist?  That has yet to be proven, because they have hedged on the applicable case.  If anything allowing him to remain on a state ballot should not effect the decision of other states.