The garage in our home was an oasis. Somehow disconnected from the smothering roof of domesticity, the garage offered creative and intellectual refuge. It was separate from school but educated us in ways more beneficial to human survival. The garage is the Boy Scouts, before it was exploited by homosexual pedophiles. My father was an Eagle Scout, and the skills he gleaned in the scouts augmented our lives. Many American traditions recently have been undermined by foreign sentiments. The goal of Japanese video game designers was to disguise the boundary between fiction and reality allowing digital manipulation of information. Effectively they created "Big Brother," and Big Tech calls it AI. We do not want this. In one fell swoop the grand scope of Cinema was undermined by digital video. The movies now are just another device, and the communal experience of feeling the film with the fellowship of our neighbors has been lost. America has been sterilized. Our humanity, the uniquely American things that were offered by the geography of North America have been sold. The Eastern Seaboard largely is the Military Industrial Complex. Tourism, once a mainstay of the American economy, has been forsaken for national defense. Our beaches are stormed rather than enjoyed. America has suffered the adverse consequences of a problematic adolescence. The innocence and naivete of our youth has evaporated into a dire and desperate battle for survival. This is where America has gone. If all we can do is survive, then prosperity and happiness have died. The complete intent of the United States Constitution has been hobbled in less than a decade. The garage is the maverick. The garage is the rebel. The garage is the Easy Rider openly rejecting the mundane, staid, and anachronistic requirements of the British Monarchy. America is "Appalachian Spring." America is "The Florida Suite." The geography of America was her moxy, and it has become a rail corridor. The fertile soil producing wheat, soybeans, corn, rice, cotton, and tobacco now is fracked for natural gas. Instead of producing for the health of the people, it rumbles from freight. The air is wrought with fumes, jet exhaust, and toxins. Where America has been led is fatal, and we covered our tracks. Wounded Knee. What has become the American Way is a hucksters ploy to turn a buck. If it's only about the money, then we should consider a different system.