The predominant thought in my mind is, "How does a political candidate become a party nominee?" Before I began to understand the relevance of this question, still I had the naive notion that anyone can run for political office. That no longer is true. Perhaps once it was in America, but our system of governance is infected with a virus. This virus is evil, and evil means doing the right thing no longer is important. With no system of values, moral or ethical, man is free to do whatever he wants in his quest for power and wealth. What is forgotten is there is a God, and when you die you will be judged for your actions as a living human being on Earth. Evil men like to purport they would rather live eternally in hell with Satan, because it beats heaven. They like to gamble, steal, and sin in many ways, so they believe they are going to carry on this lifestyle in hell. Wake up call! The reality is hell is nothing like this. In a glamorized or literary interpretation an author could depict hell this way, and it would be quite entertaining. The truth is evil has consequences, and they are in the afterlife. It won't be pleasant, and it will be for eternity. Having said that and wondering, "How does one become a party nominee?", the gamut of the corruption of America surfaces. We no longer are free, and it is because of economic oppression. Money controls everything in America. You could embark on a tour like NWA and travel the country performing Rap and Hip/Hop music to thousands of teenagers. If you had a cementing message about American culture, opportunity, and economics they may listen. As James Brown did you could tour with your band spreading your message. To collect the money or the "house," it will take more effort. This effort is a metaphor for "The Man." I have written about the Man before, and always it is met with disdain and ridicule. Those sucking the teat of the Man (like those stuck to Donald Trump's coattails) think it is their only financial option for survival. This is what they want you to believe. When I signed in to Youtube today, I got an ad with Donald Trump's voice telling me America is going to be attacked, and our food supply would be depleted. It is the same message militia groups in the Midwest tout citing a doomsday scenario. It could be nuclear holocaust. This has been omnipresent in American minds since the Cold War. It you choose to "Doomsday Prep" more power to you. My realization isn't so much about future nuclear war as the loss of democracy. When the political system is high jacked is when you loose your freedom. In a nutshell control the candidates like puppets. The era of virtuous people trying to do good for America is over. It will die with John Kerry. Doing the right thing now is scorned, persecuted, and punished. Remember Jesus, the Savior of the world? Antisemitism is a hatred not just of the Jews but of Jesus himself. That realization is as stark to me as the wealthy elite controlling politics. When you exude antisemitic attitudes you are forsaking Jesus Christ. No wonder the spiritual power of Christmas has waned. Jesus was a Jew. It does not seem to matter to them, that He was the Savior of the world, an uneducated carpenter. There is a message there, and it is the correct one. Money and power do not create virtue. Good is spiritual, and you partake of it and give it because it fulfills you. This is what conscience is. There is a part of you other than just the thinking brain, and it guides your decision-making. It uses your emotional responses to influence your actions. Instinct is the operative process, when you body tells you what is right. When you emotional psyche is overrun with bullshit, it becomes more difficult to access. The tools of evil to debilitate man are more tangible than ever, and they manifest themselves as airborne electricity. What other way is there to manipulate the human psyche than to bombard its biological processes with B.S.? Alpha, Beta, Theta. 12, 10, and 8 Hertz. Pollute the air and the water and man becomes a docile grazing animal mindlessly searching for his next meal. Donald Trump presents himself as your next savior, not unlike Adolph Hitler. Beethoven discovered that truth.