I would like to congratulate the Washington Post newspaper on the appointment of their new CEO. Never was I a fan of News Corp or Rupert Murdoch. It was appropriate when Fox News disintegrated. What I do know is the front page of the Post has had more relevant stories in the last few weeks. The political bent markedly has moved to the left. It is refreshing to see groundbreaking reporting with in depth detail. As the Trump animal slides further down the hole, its former prey is becoming more emboldened to care about human life without fear of being eaten. It is becoming increasingly clear the far-reaching ramifications of a Commander in Deceit. While the Hamas attack on Israel is an abomination, the Post's reporting on this attack is seminal. It was enlightening to see in graphic detail the strategy of Hamas, and how they were able to launch such a devastating act of terror. Their approach was something about which I previously had written. Take out the mostly wireless security/surveillance system, and breach the wall. Their tactical approach was a litany for the failure of future skirmishes. ISR, or Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance has been the focus of defense since 9/11. We have entered a Cold War of technology based upon wireless protocols. This is not a wise thing. Hamas targeted this technology and easily brought it to its knees allowing them to wreak havoc on Israel. The Post outlined the attack in detail, and it was two to three years in the making. It was very specific, and the information needed to carry out such an attack had to come from somewhere. Let's put it in reverse. Donald Trump has been indicted for but not tried yet for stealing national secrets and taking them to Mar-a-lago in boxes. Ask yourself why. He sold them to Iran for money, and this stolen information was used by Hamas to attack Israel. The United States traditionally is an ally of Israel. Donald Trump favors Russia, North Korea, China, and now Palestine. For the Presidency of which country is Donald Trump attempting to run? It could not be more clear who the enemy is, of America.