Sunday, May 07, 2023

The Living Dead

 It is plausible America all ready was off course before the Coronavirus struck.  Donald Trump, under the ruse of not wanting to be President, stole the election from Hillary Clinton by bribing a vulnerable and unstable Electoral College.  When it happened, and because America still was on course, we assumed it was a truthful outcome.  Then America still believed in honesty and integrity, and for the most part our elected officials in Washington, DC feigned civility.  While the radical right may have been simmering from Fox news revenue, it was Donald Trump who brought fascism to Washington as a tool to dismantle the highest pillar of freedom and self-rule in the world.  American freedom was Trump's target, and we should have suspected when he boasted about the attributes of two murderous dictators, Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin.  All along Trump's money bought him an alibi to get away with anything, including shooting someone in cold blood in New York City.  Desperately we wanted to believe America still was good, and this charismatic, smooth-talking, easy-going millionaire would be our next John F. Kennedy.  Personally I said, "Let's give him a chance," and this is what happened.  Four years of his presidency and America has been hobbled.  We do not know which way is up or down.  His covert agenda as President was to dismantle American ideals and their supportive axioms written into the United States Constitution by our founding fathers and replace them with militaristic dictatorship.  Donald Trump was responsible for derailing America.  He planted enough stooges whose goal was not to do their jobs in the federal government, but sabotage the system.  Scott Pruitt and Louis Dejoy jump to mind.  These President appointed administrators, not unlike Trump's federal judges are enemies of America.  They rape and pillage our free market system for their own game, wreak havoc on their provider, and give nothing back.  This is the problem with America now.  We have a steering committee of these entities, and they are not philanthropists.  They are not good people.  Perhaps at some point DuPont was good, but you cannot openly kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with corporate refuse and look the other way.  That is what is happening now, and all of it is because of deregulation.  The mantra of the private business world, "How can we make a profit with so much regulation?"  This regulation saves Americans.  There is no one to protect the people from the ills of these families.  Perhaps once the Sackler family was good, until they began bribing medical doctors to over-prescribe an addictive and sometimes fatal opioid.  When we are being killed mostly by our own people, then we must understand and accept that fascism has come to America and is festering within.  It no longer is Muslim terrorists.  The enemy is here now, and we don't know who it is.  General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said himself that half of the United States military were capable of treason.  These are Trump's people, and like a skilled, manipulative, cult leader he rallied their malcontent, rebellion, and self-pity into a violent frenzy who knew no better than to attack their own country.  They are traitors, and Donald Trump is a traitor, but America has a history of traitors.  The goal is simple dictatorial economic dominance, and that is what we have now.  Most Americans are living week to week with no savings, and prices keep going up.  Inflation is rampant with no end in sight.  It would seem a bloody civil war is the goal, but the Covid Generation has become so emotionally stunted and confused, they are like lambs to the slaughter.  They are easy fodder.  Economic dominance all ready has been achieved, hence the American people are unnecessary.  We are a distraction to the rich, and the rich do as the please.  There are simple metaphors for the forsaking of the American people.  Every time I see a Piedmont Embraer jet fly over upper and middle class neighborhoods in Fayetteville, the message is sent.  "We don't care about you.  We will do as we please, because we can."  Government regulation systematically has been dismantled in the swamp, and now America has become the swamp.  We have destroyed the earth, and the people are next.