Ronald Reagan is not well remembered today. It is not often we see one of his films on television, even on the movie channels. Perhaps he was not a stellar actor, or his roles were not flattering. He did a movie with a chimp, but so did Clint Eastwood. There is no comparison between the two, and Clint Eastwood has impacted American consciousness in film for eternity as an actor, a director, a writer, and a composer. Ronald Reagan is much more well known as a past president of the United States. Before he became president he was the governor of California. I don't know much about his work as a governor, but as a working actor in Hollywood it seems like a reasonable transition. Arnold Schwarzeneggar also became governor of California, and it is because they were actors they were elected governor. Who can say if they were effective in this leadership role. I had a favorable opinion of Ronald Reagan, but like the majority of America my opinion was a direct result of his campaign. The men that "ran" Ronald Reagan for president created his persona, and told him what to do. He had little to do with what he accomplished as a president. He looked good on camera, learned his lines, hit his marks, and didn't create controversy. He was married to a well known woman who also steered him. Ronald Reagan's presidency was a construct by a consortium of influential California business elites who found him, tutored him, and molded him into their puppet to do their bidding. Volodymyr Zelenskyy also is an actor. How did he become the president of Ukraine? The last we had heard about Ukraine was Rudy Giuliani was conspiring with Russian mobsters to sell natural gas to them. How suddenly did Ukraine emerge as an American ally? Ukraine has plentiful natural resources and manufacturers a plethora of world-consumed products. How can they be poor? Zelenskyy seems like an honest and trust-worthy leader, but so did Ronald Reagan until we found out who was "running" him. Who is running Zelenskyy?
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Zelenskyy the Puppet
Monday, May 29, 2023
In a communist society the ills of leadership are known, embraced, and enforced in a sadistic indulgence of power. The Nazi Party is an example of such a fascist regime. In America the ills of leadership are disguised, denied, and ignored in a sadistic indulgence of power. The communist population perhaps is healthier, because they know the enemy, but they are prisoners of this war. Americans are being held hostage, because of Donald Trump's age of misinformation, fake news, and gas lighting. We have traveled back in time over a century, and superstition, fakery, and deception have infiltrated our American government. The Constitutionally provided protections, checks and balances, and justice have been side stepped allowing corporate America to murder planet Earth. How did grand scale manufacturing morph into malfeasance? How have prominent wealthy families suddenly lost their minds and acquiesced to corruption and greed? Perhaps the answer is insanity, senility, dementia, psychosis, or neurosis, and Donald Trump is the cult leader. Institutions don't just fall for no reason. Someone is there with an agenda coaching. In four years we have seen America fall prey to evil. The ills of our leadership are becoming known, but we are astonished and recalcitrant. How could this be, the greatest free society in the world has fallen by a handful of far right zealots? It takes considerable energy and time to empty this swamp, and Louis Dejoy is treading water. America's fall began with deregulation, and deregulation of the aeronautical industry and railroads largely is to blame for the deterioration of the planet Earth. It was through commercial airlines that mad Arab terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center. Were ever they held accountable through regulation? Three mile long freight trains are blocking EMS workers from reaching dying patients, and who will help? We can continue to write articles about the ills of our society, but nothing will change because our current Congress is complicit. We need term limits. We need accountability. We need justice. We need oversight. We need honesty. Washington has lost most of these, and that is because we exorcised God from our consciousness. We shipped Him out on a hot, dusty, Greyhound bus to the middle of the desert. Beelzebub is running the show now.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Arch Enemy No. 1
It should come as no surprise and will be the new normal for America, that our arch enemies and nemeses are imposters acting as our superiors. Catholic Priests, Scout Leaders, coaches, and doctors all have abused their positions of power sexually to molest children. The problems with America's public schools lie in their administration. It is the only answer. If the main force of public instruction, teachers, are quitting, then the administration is the problem. Board members, superintendents, principals, and other supporting personnel are engaging in local politics and forsaking students. Teachers want to teach. Students want to learn. What is the problem? The public schools have become politicized and weaponized, and our children are dying. It is no wonder urban flight from public schools is occurring to the point that state governments are offering waviers to pay for private school for everyone. Pay families a subsidy to attend private school? This is short for defunding public education! The North Carolina State Legislature wants to defund public education. That is a large, relevant, historic proposal, and perhaps upon which should be voted? This kind of governmental overstepping has become indicative of the Covid era. While we were fighting Covid, Woke politics inundated our leadership. Our enemies have morphed into positions of power and authority, and they are dismantling America from within.
Ensconced in our Local and Federal Governments
I have learned to be more patient as I grow older. Patience may be the most effective virtue in tandem with wisdom. They do not teach the art of political maneurverability in college, but high school is rife with such activity. The art of being popular. When you are young, ambitious, and dire often your reactions to resistance are defensive. It is more prudent to observe the reaction or response and learn from it rather than feeling personally threatened. This is difficult to do climbing the ladder of life, social mobility, and economic sustenance. As youth we prefer to joust immediately in real time rather than, "Walk down to the herd of cows and have them all." The young bull wants to stampede down and take one. When you are sick and challenged and in need of medical care, it is difficult to have patience. We need to get well, because illness hampers our productivity. America is suffering from a lack of productivity, an able labor market, and faith in our government. Covid struck a vicious blow to America in general, and that was its purpose. It was part of an orchestrated assault on the world's formerly most powerful free society. While Covid was ravaging America, we were infiltrated with the enemy. The entire escapade of Covid was a murderous attempt at genocide. When Covid was wheeling its sickle at the necks of vulnerable Americans, infiltrators were engaged in a covert siege of government. The Department of Justice is experiencing success prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing many of those involved in the attack on the United States Capital on January 6th, 2020. What is more problematic is this infiltration of similar minded traitors into the mainstream of employed, appointed, and elected public officials. They now are the most single most important threat to the salvation of American democracy and traditional rule by the people. We have been watching this trend with disbelief as Donald Trump and his henchmen try to overtake America with savvy legal conniving and a smooth-talking liaison. This infiltration is wide spread in the mainstream private sector perhaps most harmful in the field of medicine. With the alliance of Big Insurance to trade stocks of doctors and hospitals, the once highly held and respected Hippocratic Oath has become moot. It is obvious to most Americans seeking medical care. Medical professionals rarely examine patients anymore choosing rather to order expensive tests sending the patient on an endless carousel of expenditure. It has become the primary directive of organized medicine making money for the system. America was better off and more healthy before insurance planted its talons in the health care process. The era of the family doctor who really could help your problems because he so desired is extinct. An ironic turn has transpired in that now instead of trying to heal you, they make you worse. The prostate biopsy is the metaphor for this evil philosophy, and to an extent the medical community has conceded. They have been to aggressive addressing prostate cancer, and because prostate cancer is so slow-growing from lack of an abundant blood supply, it is best to wait and observe. Shooting twelve needles into the male sexual gland through the wall of the rectum aided by ultrasound when no tumors are evident on its surface is aggressive. The risk of infection from diverticulosis is greater, because the colon is a tunnel for passing bacteria laden feces. To create wounds in the wall of the rectum and slice the prostate to obtain tissue samples is risky. Still the prostate biopsy is the paramount offering of most urologists no matter what your symptoms. They use a number amount of "prostate specific antigen" or PSA collected from your blood to merit the need for this test. How can specific and separate molecules from a sexual gland buried deep in the pelvic floor reach your blood in a way to indicate cancer? The creator of this PSA test himself suggests it only is accurate five percent of the time. Other symptomology such a erectile disfunction would be a better indicator. With such leeway it is easy for evil to infiltrate good. If a doctor forgets his Hippocratic Oath or chooses to abandon it, then the medical profession is rife for financial exploitation. Simply this is evidenced by a urologist ignoring other symptoms completely and ordering expensive tests. The era of the family doctor who actually examines your body, asks questions, and offers physical solutions if extinct. America's new dependence on the internet via personal computer and smartphones is misleading. Your phone is not going to help you lose weight, although it is capable of providing a false anodyne for your immediate gratification. America's free market system has become inundated by such schemes many of which have infiltrated formerly reputable and honest businesses. Today one must be careful at every turn, because those once sworn to help us through a reverence to God and Christianity have succumbed to the guillotine of Covid and the assault of Communist infiltrators firmly ensconced in our local and federal governments.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Honest Leadership for America
If Congress doesn't soon begin to at least feign responsibility for the downfall of the world's greatest democracy, soon we can shut the door on America's freedoms, lock it, and hide the key. We should take out our guns. Is this the reason why the GOP and far right states are making it easier for minors to buy assault weapons? The plan is to destroy our Republic, continue to mandate a covert communist overthrow, and use the youth of America to enforce this ludicrous and unwanted coup? At least we know what the plan is, and it is not to protect or save our children from senseless violence. The far right all ready has exploited, indebted, and murdered our children for their own gain. Perhaps now we can see it? Our Constitutionally afforded leadership openly has forsaken the majority and begun a tactical and guerilla overthrow of America? In response to increasing gun slaughter they are easing gun control? Instead of recognizing, investing in, and protecting Americans the GOP has become the Gestapo? It might be more comforting if it were the Mob. At least we would know with whom we are dealing. This faction, this contingency operating under the auspices of Donald Trump has aligned themselves with militaristic dictatorship. Who are these enemy? It is Washingtonian Grand Comedic opera. If Congress fails again to negotiate a debt solution, then military salaries are at risk. How will they feel about that? After military salary increases under Barack Obama, and the rebuilding of the military by ex president Donald Trump, how will it feel when money dries up? It will feel the same way it does for the rest of America. Most are struggling. It is time to empty the swamp for real, after its filling of pond scum of by newly elected GOP extremists . Would America's political problems dissipate, if we stopped listening to the media? We are not as bad off as it would seem? America actively is involved in World War lll and is on the cusp of civil and revolutionary war. When Washington lawmakers openly mock the parents of slain children like a surreal, fascist, video game, anarchy is the appropriate description. The GOP is using anarchy as enacted by Donald Trump to rile the masses, but it has become tiresome. America is ready for honest leadership, because he failed to help us. Under his regime Covid 19 emerged. While he was President America experienced the worse catastrophe in decades. While this crisis was killing thousands of Americans, he was hard at work dismantling the protections of the United States Constitution, appointing crony judges, and installing enemies of our state. We are just realizing the extent of this damage. I sat down to write about the tragedy of jazz, but this takes precedence.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Jim Crow Jr.
Sometimes rogue species invade. In our applied Christianity we must be discerning identifying rogue species. They are fish in the water and plants on land. They arrive in incognito and with the grin of a Cheshire cat take over. It is a subtle revolution, and these covert terrorists want no rebuttal. Our current GOP is a metaphor for a rogue species. In the cruise industry employees respect the guests. It is the primary rule. On land this doctrine is-ill fated, because there are rogue species. Those who pay to cruise afford their treatment. The only hidden agenda was when ruthless women fraudulently began accusing male employees of sexual harassment and rape. A handful of these demon women sued multiple cruise lines and won large monetary settlements. Some male employees ended up in foreign prisons alone without representation. Luckily these companies became discerning at identifying rogue species. Now skateboards are a prohibited item for the crew. Jim Crow Jr. is a rogue species. The "woke" movement is a reaction. It is a difficult debate, the fixation upon America's ills and whether to teach them or move past. Traditional American history has chosen not to highlight these heinous atrocities, but these actions do not represent all of America. In a nutshell they are our soul. America does have soul from other avenues. Surviving the Great Depression, Midwestern dust storms, jackrabbit invasions, and cotton-eating Boll wevils is enough to form a staunch soul. The purchasing of enslaved imported African workers to build a rice fortune in Charleston, South Carolina is an example of one of America's ills. After Abraham Lincoln penned the Emancipation Proclamation and hundreds of thousands of healthy Americans were slaughtered in our Civil War, Southerners refused to recognize the newfound freedom of these imported Africans. They did not ask to come to America, and it is understandable their African traits seemed unacceptable to some. This is true today, the fear Americans seem to feel simply by the appearance and speech of different races. It requires energy not to react emotionally. One must tell one's self that just because a person looks a particular way doesn't not mean they have less value or credibility as a human being. Perhaps they have been dealt an unlucky hand. Perhaps they are dirt poor. Perhaps they are desperate or addicted to various substances. This is a complexity of the melting pot of America, an immigrant nation. Should these people be characterized as invading species? Is their goal to take over and decimate our native population? Are the social entitlements provided by our federal government in Washington nourishment for their rogue insurrection? The truth is those in attendance on January 6th weren't from the "Woke" movement. They were the source, and they are Jim Crow Jr.
Friday, May 12, 2023
Jelly's Last Jam
I went to this show wanting to like it. It had been billed at our local theater all through Covid, so it was time to hear a Broadway interpretation of Jelly Roll Morton's music. You can imagine. As I recall most Broadway musicals with jazz content miss the mark, mainly because they don't swing. Swing you say? What is that? There is that one that did work. Can't remember the name, but a song had "greasy" in the lyrics. Okay, I haven't seen enough of them, but "Sophisticated Ladies" had no story line. While musical reviews in the "Follies" style have a deep background in Broadway, putting jazz on the stage is risky, at least today. Back in the Roaring Twenties (Ziegfield!) jazz was in its heyday, so hearing or feeling swing music was the norm. Trying to add a story or dramatic tension and release is a whole other challenge. This story and its accompanying libretto are the crux of a Broadway musical. You must have a story not unlike a Hollywood film. Jelly's Last Jam had a bit of a story, but not much of one. Jelly was a narcissist and openly he put down everyone who was not him. As the self-professed inventor of jazz, we understand this was a core trait of his personality. He was an egotist. Understood! I was prepared for this braggadocio. I, as both a composer and jazz musician, was more interested in how they would depict Early Jazz from New Orleans on a Broadway stage. I knew it would be difficult, and I all ready had listened to the soundtrack. It didn't appeal to me, not because it was uninteresting, but it was difficult and meandering. The songs in the show didn't sound like music from Jelly Roll Morton. How did I know? I have been studying Early Jazz for several years, and I have listened to his music. I knew he was a Creole, so when Louisiana passed Jim Crow laws, musically educated and talented performers were reduced to the status of freed slaves. They lost their symphony and opera house jobs and resorted to jazz to make a living. An interesting aside is that the banjo played in Early Jazz was a four-stringed affair very unlike the five-stringed instrument that became paramount in Bluegrass. There was no drone string, and mostly it was played with a plectrum or a pick. It was strummed, and this strumming rhythm was the rhythmic basis for Early Jazz. It differs from later jazz, because in reality it was swing sixteenth notes rather than swung eighth notes. Stop! This is a major defining characteristic of Early Jazz. It was swung 16th notes, not swung 8th notes. It also was mostly fast invigorated tempos with boundless energy. The facile availability of cocaine during this era probably accounted for some of this energy. The tuning of this four-stringed banjo was the same as the viola, so an ex-violist from a symphony could learn to strum a banjo more easily. The score for Jelly's Last Jam does include a banjo, but in this performance it rarely was heard and certainly didn't provide the rhythm of real Early Jazz. When it did play it added authenticity to the music. Instead the piano was used, and while there were "tunes" that were sung, the score was more "Third Stream" having an underlying orchestral flavor. There was some recititive, some dramatic interludes, and some Expressionist darkness. There also was an attempt at the Blues, but like other African-American oriented Broadway shows I have seen at this same theater, the score shied away from "blue notes" in the harmonic realization. They sung the Blues and used "blue notes," but the accompanying dominant seventh chords were conspicuously absent. Instead they use traids, and triads while in Country music do suffice, triads in jazz rarely are used. The whole flavor of jazz uses altered tones or chromatic additions to traditional diatonic harmony. I'll back up one step. Early Jazz, because of the limitation of the four string banjo, did rely upon more simplistic harmony. With only four strings available and one is used for the root of the chord, a seventh chord is your only option unless you were smart enough back then to understand what a poly chord was. Thus the secondary dominant became important in Tin Pan Alley. The early songs did use simplistic harmony, but the jazz flavor was attained in other stark way. Most of this was sound and interpretation on the wind instruments. Early Jazz, and Louis Armstrong in particular, changed the sound of traditional European instrument and made it their own. the eloquence, reservation, and manners of chamber music did not suffice to express what black people felt and had to say during this time period. John Williams aptly says, "There are things between the notes." Instrumental lines were more akin to vocal laments and exclamations stemming from field hollers, work songs, and church testimonials. It was powerful, emotional, tumultuous music, and this was its intent. Consequently when the church met the jook joint is when you felt your most authentic jazz. It was not all carnal, and not all jazz was spawned from the "Sporting Life." It, like most art forms, encompassed many tenants. My entire life never have I related jazz music to sexuality, and that is a mistake. Maybe I didn't want to. For me it was like Miles Davis. There was more serious content for which to contend. To stereotype early jazz as only carnal is short-sighted, but the roots of its expression did emerge from the sweaty hot dance halls of the French Quarter in New Orleans. Surprisingly with rules about dancing and prostitution in effect, if you bought a ticket and were dancing upright with a partner, sexual arousal and gratification were allowed. Men purchased condoms in the men's room and wore them as they danced to receive their ecstatic offerings. It could be said that dancing, sex, and music were almost the same thing. If were were not snobby purists, wouldn't a combination of these things create a stronger product than just one? There was some gratuitous sexual content in this show, but unfortunately because Broadway has become largely LGBT, this dynamic was absent. They shimmied and shook and feigned sexual arousal, but like most Broadway shows it seemed more like a drag show. The blurring of gender, while it could be sexual in some ways, mostly just confuses the story and the music. It is too much with which to contend trying to recast jazz music with a different persona. It is misunderstood enough, and before we abandon one of America's greatest art forms, we should try to understand it from its own perspective, not Broadway's.
Monday, May 08, 2023
Starlink Spying
First let's state the obvious. Miscellaneous Chinese aerial devices were shot down over the United States including a balloon. We have not been told what the objects are. If the Coronavirus was manipulated in a lab in Wuhan in China, there could be a connection. We don't know the origins of Covid in America, whether it was accidental or whether it was released intentionally. If covert communist Chinese aerial devices were flying over America, it is plausible their mission was nefarious and dangerous to American citizens. China is the largest pirate of intellectual property. They steal and copy American film, television, and music and sell it for their own profit. China is not our friend, but you try to keep your enemies closer. Richard Nixon tried this, and Charlie Rose was a China lover. We do not have keen memories of either man, although both achieved remarkable things. Washington is not being honest with the American people. After spending several years observing the United States military and listening to the highest ranking military officer in the United States, I am trending toward believing that some of our active duty military personnel are involved in criminal and possible treasonous activity. It seems like a boys club, and it is a very small army. Clearly army people have demonstrated their zest to achieve and climb the military ladder of success. It is just a smaller and more protected version of real life, but its consequences can be grave. I can't figure out if they want to be at war or not. They love to fight, and we are witness to this rambunctious training daily. My humble opinion is, even after ten years of Afghan policing, send them where they want to go. What's the point of ten Apache attack helicopters, if they are flying around on a computerized range practicing? It seems to make Thom Tillis more comfortable in his home state of North Carolina. They like the "rah rah" chant of fighting. It seems like a sport to them, killing the enemy, but no longer do we know who the enemy is. It could be your neighbor, the secret agent man from Italy by the way of Cuba and Argentina. This express route is not uncommon. Many Italians settled in Argentina beset by World War ll. What we must remember is many of these nations have communist roots. The search for red in America has waned, and red has become Republican and Trump. In reality RED should be considered the same as always it has. It is communist, comrade. "Are you a loyal supporter of the party?" President Biden is not engaging in press conferences, and I feel it. He has a wall of immunity around him, and unfortunately it is called ensuing senility or dementia. We saw it in Ronald Reagan, and we felt sorry for him as Nancy prompted him on what to say and how to respond. Jill is beginning to do that for Joe. A doctoral-level educator certainly is a good choice for such a proxy relationship. I don't think Joe is a good choice for President in 2024, but the democrats have no one else. The water is so polluted no one wants to dive in. What about Bernie? He is not running. Elizabeth Warren? Hillary? We need someone. The military presence in Fayetteville does not make me feel safe. Its effect is the opposite. Buzzing Apache helicopters doesn't make you feel safe underneath knowing that they can triangulate one hundred targets quickly and are equipped with deadly weaponry. Do you trust the pilots of these aircraft? Do they support Donald Trump? Do they hate Joe Biden for the wrong reasons? All of America is teetering on the brink of insanity, and Starlink and 5G are not helping.
Sunday, May 07, 2023
The Living Dead
It is plausible America all ready was off course before the Coronavirus struck. Donald Trump, under the ruse of not wanting to be President, stole the election from Hillary Clinton by bribing a vulnerable and unstable Electoral College. When it happened, and because America still was on course, we assumed it was a truthful outcome. Then America still believed in honesty and integrity, and for the most part our elected officials in Washington, DC feigned civility. While the radical right may have been simmering from Fox news revenue, it was Donald Trump who brought fascism to Washington as a tool to dismantle the highest pillar of freedom and self-rule in the world. American freedom was Trump's target, and we should have suspected when he boasted about the attributes of two murderous dictators, Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin. All along Trump's money bought him an alibi to get away with anything, including shooting someone in cold blood in New York City. Desperately we wanted to believe America still was good, and this charismatic, smooth-talking, easy-going millionaire would be our next John F. Kennedy. Personally I said, "Let's give him a chance," and this is what happened. Four years of his presidency and America has been hobbled. We do not know which way is up or down. His covert agenda as President was to dismantle American ideals and their supportive axioms written into the United States Constitution by our founding fathers and replace them with militaristic dictatorship. Donald Trump was responsible for derailing America. He planted enough stooges whose goal was not to do their jobs in the federal government, but sabotage the system. Scott Pruitt and Louis Dejoy jump to mind. These President appointed administrators, not unlike Trump's federal judges are enemies of America. They rape and pillage our free market system for their own game, wreak havoc on their provider, and give nothing back. This is the problem with America now. We have a steering committee of these entities, and they are not philanthropists. They are not good people. Perhaps at some point DuPont was good, but you cannot openly kill hundreds of thousands of Americans with corporate refuse and look the other way. That is what is happening now, and all of it is because of deregulation. The mantra of the private business world, "How can we make a profit with so much regulation?" This regulation saves Americans. There is no one to protect the people from the ills of these families. Perhaps once the Sackler family was good, until they began bribing medical doctors to over-prescribe an addictive and sometimes fatal opioid. When we are being killed mostly by our own people, then we must understand and accept that fascism has come to America and is festering within. It no longer is Muslim terrorists. The enemy is here now, and we don't know who it is. General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said himself that half of the United States military were capable of treason. These are Trump's people, and like a skilled, manipulative, cult leader he rallied their malcontent, rebellion, and self-pity into a violent frenzy who knew no better than to attack their own country. They are traitors, and Donald Trump is a traitor, but America has a history of traitors. The goal is simple dictatorial economic dominance, and that is what we have now. Most Americans are living week to week with no savings, and prices keep going up. Inflation is rampant with no end in sight. It would seem a bloody civil war is the goal, but the Covid Generation has become so emotionally stunted and confused, they are like lambs to the slaughter. They are easy fodder. Economic dominance all ready has been achieved, hence the American people are unnecessary. We are a distraction to the rich, and the rich do as the please. There are simple metaphors for the forsaking of the American people. Every time I see a Piedmont Embraer jet fly over upper and middle class neighborhoods in Fayetteville, the message is sent. "We don't care about you. We will do as we please, because we can." Government regulation systematically has been dismantled in the swamp, and now America has become the swamp. We have destroyed the earth, and the people are next.
Tuesday, May 02, 2023
The Power Grid is Off the Grid
Tonight's topic should be the rampant exploitation of America's resources with no culpability. Our example should be Alaska, which with no regulatory oversight, was over-fished and hunted leaving nothing but barren rugged geography and no means of survival. Haiti. The indigenous population was so starved, they ate everything on the island leaving nothing. No fish. No birds. A desert of dust. The stories in the news are appropriate, and Valley Proteins, after ignoring safety for their employees and sacrificing several workers because of lack of proper PPE, was bought by Darling to cover their mistakes. (the same way Chemours was founded to cover DuPont's ills) Trucks in Clinton are dropping dead rotting carcasses in the roadways, and there is no penalty. The mayor and police force have been involved, and North Carolina's state legislature looks the other way. They allow this behavior the same way they allow many kinds of exploitative behavior by corporate interests in the state. (their buddies) My example and the way this will get resolved is my Constitutionally guarded rights, such as over-the-air TV, WiFi, FM radio, and clean electrical power for my home are being compromised. I am not the only one. Everyone around Fort Bragg is experiencing the same electrical disturbances. Shoddy WiFi speeds. Flickering television. Static in my classical radio music. For me the most disturbing is interruption of my music making. The sound of my instruments is altered for the worse. I can't make any music, because its sound is changing all the time at the mercy of this invisible and unknown antagonist. The volume goes up and down. The sound of my bass guitar changes second to second. My ears scream with tinnitus, and there is that metallic echo in the house. If ever it felt like Big Brother was listening, it is now. We are experiencing multiple brown outs each day, and the power constantly is interrupted making the computers restart and smoke detectors reset. I hear the circuit breakers on the transformers pop and shut down. I can't watch the six o'clock news, because Piedmont flies directly over my house interrupting my television reception. What is it in a plane or on a freight train that causes your WiFi to hitch? Lococontrol, remote control 4,400 horse power locomotives with no engineers on board. Just like a Lionel .027 toy train, now they can assemble three mile long trains and power them remotely from the front of the train. What once was invasive and unacceptable NOW is off-the-hook. Two North Carolina State University suicides this weekend, and where are Norfolk Southern's tracks? Sometimes I think it is on purpose. Sometimes I think Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos is listening. The phone rings and no one is there. My washer's motor is dead, an AC drive that lasted six years. I guess those Abrahms tanks have to get to the Ukraine, and they aren't going in cargo planes. They are being loaded onto huge container ships sitting at the mouth of the all ready polluted Cape Fear River at Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point. This sacrifice is for Ukraine, and while we are not getting shelled, we suffer just as much. America is at war, and President Biden won't say it. The world doesn't want to say it. No wonder America has gone crazy. If you bombard the human mechanism with magnetism, heat, vibration, and electricity through the air, invisibly and without constraint, don't be surprised when the human race goes mutant. These mutants are going to their guns.