Friday, September 23, 2022

Policing Our Enemy

I have been cast a complainer before.  People who demand to keep the cheery perspective all the time, despite enveloping turmoil are in denial.  Ignoring injustice, social inequality, and corruption may allow you to survive, but sooner or later it will catch up to you.  I would choose not to have to save the world.  It is not what I had in mind for the last few chapters of my life.  When the shit gets so deep, and you don't have the time for lawsuits then complaining is about all we can do.  You can expose injustice.  You can bring attention to wrong-doing.  Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.  With the Trump circus still on tour, the more dire and substantial issue is man-created climate change.  More specifically climate change is the blanket result of the more specific types of pollution that continually are being cloaked by lobby money.  It is nothing new, but it is reaching critical mass.  Mitch's crew in Washington, DC have so changed regulation, policy, and protective legislation it nearly is impossible to do anything.  How long has North Carolina known about Chemours' wrong-doing?  Again it is Republican, right-leaning, extremist sentiments which are cloaking the real assault.  While the extreme antics demand the limelight, Republican legislators have sacked the system from within.  Trump affected this change with his appointing of so many Republican judges he hopes will defend him.  The best example is when home owners in Colorado sued for offending aircraft, who began flying over their once quiet subdivisions.  This large class action suit was dismissed with the quick flash of a crony's pen.  Evidence was never heard, because some minute technicality thwarted the lawsuit.  This is the tactic being parlayed all over the country to protect corporate America and their zealous unwillingness to do the right thing.  It has come to such a head that people are dying.  About what am I talking?  Fayetteville is the metaphor for this injustice.  The people here, the citizens of Cumberland Country, have been forsaken for profit.  The way Alaska was raped and pillaged of all wildlife and natural resources for shallow greed, so has Fayetteville been sacrificed for the sustenance of a few.  The sacrificial populace are those who live in the historic areas of Fayetteville.  The real estate industry is quick and eager to cast these properties as desirable for obvious reasons.  They offer the most convenient locations for Fayetteville life.  There is a housing crisis, and affordable living is sparse.  This drives up the prices of these historic areas, but something else is happening that is familiar in the real estate industry.  There is a pattern for selling property which later becomes laden with problems.  Flooding emerges when housing is built in inappropriate flood plains.  This has happened often in the last twenty years.  The watershed or geological infrastructure of running water is well established in Fayetteville.  The city has been constructed around it.  There are a myriad of creeks and branches that flow to Cross Creek or into the Cape Fear River Basin.  There are "bottoms" where these streams lie, and there are hills such as Haymount.  Investors have stepped over the boundaries of these properties building in dangerous places.  Intense lobbying and politics forge this pattern.  Every nook and cranny of available land is being bought and developed with no overlying plan or city consideration.  Fayetteville has become the Wild West, and the irony is the flip side of this coin.  The quality of life in the historical areas has become compromised.  They will promote and sell you one of these homes, but you will find a different reality when you being to live there.  About what am I talking, again?  I'll lay it out.  Fayetteville has been forsaken.  Gen X has not only been found down river of the Chemours plant, it has been found all the way up to the Haw River and into Jordan Lake.  It is everywhere.  Our drinking water is and has been a toxic brew of forever chemicals.  Those believing and understanding this anomaly have been buying bottle water for a long time.  The larger problem is we bathe in this water, and this water is in direct contact with our bodies every day.  It is in our eyes, in our mouths as we brush our teeth, and it is on our skin.  Gen X also is in the air.  So much for our water supply.  It is poison.  Add air pollution to this problem.  Before Ground Forces Command came to Fort Bragg, our air quality was better.  The combination of their presence with the accompanying change in flight paths at the Fayetteville Regional Airport has compromised our air.  It now is filthy.  All ready we have issues with pine pollen, humidity, and other allergens.  We are in a river valley which notoriously is known for high humidity and stagnant air.  The water in the Cape Fear River is polluted.  Now the air is polluted as well, and this is because of freight rail activity from Cargill, Fayetteville Block, Goodyear, Hexion, and others.  Train activity begins at 5:00 am and extends well into late night.  Really it occurs 24 hours a day with little respite.  Heat they do produce, but the real culprits of air pollution of which no one seems to notice, are the commercial jets using Grannis Field.  For reasons not explained to those living underneath their new flight path, these commercial jets no longer adhere to the traditional pattern of flight used for so many years.  They tried to blame it on the change to GPS-based guidance, but that is fake.  It saves them fuel not to have to climb up and away from those living underneath.  This is what they used to do.  Now these Maverick pilots fly wherever they want, and there are zero guidelines for Fayetteville air traffic.  It seems with Mr. Grannis' passing, so passed integrity for local airlines.  It took me a long time to figure out why I wake violently at sunrise.  It is because a commercial jet is flying directly over my house at low altitude.  Why is this?  They think we are asleep so we won't smell the jet exhaust?  They think we won't notice the intense pressure wave created by exhaust from jet turbines?  It creates such pain in my body I am forced from bed to escape it.  Chem trails from these jets constantly criss cross the Fayetteville sky causing your eyes to burn and allergens to swirl like demons.  They seem to think this white and often black soot is some sort of advertisement for air travel, when in fact is has degraded the air quality in Fayetteville to an unacceptable level.  I assume they are trying to kill the vagrant and homeless population who live in tents under the overpasses.  What is the explanation for those living in middle and upper class neighborhoods?  How can they condone consuming our air and replacing it with noxious fumes?  It's like they are asking for a fight.  I never have been so insulted in my entire life.  What is so special about the airline industry?  They got a lot of Covid relief, and it went straight to the top in that grand Wall Street fashion.  All that bail out money went for CEO bonuses, trips to Cancun, and luxury apartments.  This is a Trump-induced thing, and the damage to American society is catastrophic.  How can a group become so extreme they feel they can steal your air?  That is exactly what they are doing and replacing it with poison.  We are being attacked by those who are supposed to be our friends.  It is exhausting policing the enemy.