As of late many things about which I write are showing up in the news. This is a good thing. While I didn't verbally complain about Amazon's avid campaign to sell you Amazon Prime, another subscription service that requires your unwavering monthly payment, evidently it has become an issue. Microsoft took this to an extreme and paved the way for antitrust legislation that broke up this company. When companies get to big and establish a monopoly on a market and your business, often they get cocky. Amazon has been pitching "Prime" for a long time, and I have refused to bite on this hook. I don't need it, and I don't want it. I don't want it for the same reason why I never wanted a cell phone. Any service that requires a contract and obligatory monthly payments is not for me. I have chosen to travel light, and my monthly storage fee is down to $25.00 a month. Air quality in North Carolina varies greatly, with Wilmington being cited as a destination for some of America's best breathable air. The ocean, the lowlands, and the wetlands have something to do with that. When a state chooses to destroy these ecosystems like they have in Florida, filling in wetlands and farming them instead, all kinds of environmental problems ensue. They have huge problems now with their fresh water supply. In Houston it is the same. They choose to pave over the marshland and are surprised when it floods. America has lost sight of most things, and environmental issues were the first to go. If as a nation we had paid attention to attempting to live conservatively preserving our geological offerings, we would not be in the dire straights we are in now. You can't just rape Mother Nature and expect no consequences. When I watch this Piedmont run, American Eagle flight, owned by American Airlines, this Brazilian-built Embraer 145 twin jet leisurely cruise just above the treeline making its turn to destination Charlotte directly over my house, I am both perplexed and incensed. I know the underlying reason they choose this route. It is simple. It saves them fuel. I watched this jet today in full view from an able vantage point. I was going to see my mother at her assisted living facility, and so appeared this silver sliver in the sky just above the trees traveling slowly. At first I thought this might be a drone from Fort Bragg, but after pulling over and watching it became more clear. It was that American Eagle plane with the American flag on the tail I have been watching for several years blast over the top of our house. There was no mistake. I noted the time, and when I got home later I opened the Flightaware website and searched for this departing flight from the Fayetteville Regional Airport. Sure enough it was listed as the Piedmont flight direct to Charlotte, where Piedmont now has a hub. If anyone cares to remember Piedmont back in the day was the bobo flight of the times. It was cheap. Even Johnny Carson made jokes about Piedmont on his late night television show. "You just jump out when they get over your town." Recently after Covid 19 the name Piedmont has returned, but it is confusing. There are many "groups" associated with regional jet travel. The name on the side of this plane is American Eagle. The jet is an Embraer 145, a sleek-looking, fast, Brazilian-built rocket. They must pride themselves on getting places quick, and today speeds seems of essence to everyone addicted to an iPhone and its services via the internet. What is the difference between fifteen minutes? I have been watching these planes for years now continue to fly over our house, and they are a product of gas lighting. If you do it so often and for so long, people forget it is not okay. Low flying jet aircraft are hazardous to human beings for many reasons. This is not just me. They are cited as number two only after heart disease. That is high on the list of dangerous hazards in American society. As Josh Stein, the Attorney General of North Carolina recently has discovered, the states cannot regulate air traffic. What? This is a Trumpism. This is Mitch and his crew calculating their billions at the expense of everyday Americans. They say what they are doing isn't dangerous or harmful, and we are supposed to believe it. There is no science. There is no conspiracy. It is the rich getting richer. I opened the FlightAware graphic for this particular flight, zoomed in, and replayed its path. With its great need for speed, this express flight lallygagged after take off lumbering over the treetops directly above the Gold Coast, Highland Country Club gold course, historic Haymount, and Van Story Hills. It was like they were giving a tour of Fayetteville. I guess it was entertainment, but it was suspect to me. How and why have these pilots or air traffic controllers chosen to use my house as a place to make their turn to fly to Charlotte? Twenty years ago illicit foreign terrorists flew jets into the World Trade Center skyscrapers and the Pentagon. They infiltrated America through the commercial aviation industry, and it was easy. Slowly and surely they have been changing flight paths allowing access to all corners of urban, suburban, and rural America. We are an easy pick, and I don't like the notion that planes we know nothing about have access to the skies above our homes. It is not right. Is nothing sacred? Covid was no accident, and the most likely method of dispersion of this pathogen was? You guess.