When you complain about the railroads they reciprocate. When I talk smack about CSX, a company which has become a ruthless money maker rather than a reliable freight railroad, they like to punish me. Simply they drive one of their polluting locomotives near your home, park it, and let it idle for 12 hours. (Or 24, or 48) A few years ago they let two Dash 9 locomotives idle for the two weeks of Christmas vacation. Nice Christmas present, low frequency rumble and the Taos Hum. Now they say they are "Green." The only way that term applies is that they are novices at railroading. They do no understand the seriousness of their industry, and how much it does pollute. I am not talking about carbon emissions. I am talking about infrasound, low frequency sound you cannot hear, vibration, and rumble which travel through the ground. We now can add low frequency AC current to the list, because it just flows into the environment unabated. It creates an arc in my garage. There is static electricity in the air, and common wall AC current will arc through the air causing shorts. Oh joy. I have not even mentioned the Apache helicopters with their targeting systems. The other night there were four hovering around, and yesterday morning their chain gun sounded like it was being fired in the street outside. Gentrification. It has happened to Fayetteville. While the real estate industry is making profits selling over-priced Fayetteville homes, the railroads (and there are four) are pumping out the funk along with the commercial airline industry. They are selling over-valued homes and not telling you the local economy has zero respect for where you live. We are being punished for living where we do. What kind of poor man's vendetta is this? Promptly at five in the morning we are blasted by the Fayetteville Regional Airport's direct early morning flight to Charlotte. I guess they think we are sleeping and want notice being pushed further down into our mattresses. Why are jets doing this? Why are they disrespecting Fayetteville? Why don't they turn right and fly over farmland east of the Cape Fear River? Instead they pummel the city of Fayetteville with 1,300 mph jet wash, intense heat, and incredible sound pressure levels. Low flying aircraft are second only to heart disease as the worst foe for human health, and yet they disrespect us every day. Who should be monitoring and regulating this activity? SCOTUS says not the E.P.A. No power for them. Why do we need them if they are sans nuts? Castrated? Eunuchs. I realize the targeting system at Fort Bragg is a polluter, but the defense industry will object. Bill Clinton okayed all of these microwave frequencies and now we are burning from them. G5 is the worst. Phased array antennas much more powerful than traditional microwave transmitters. The airports didn't want it. They don't know what they want.
Friday, August 12, 2022
The "Chain Gun" Alarm Clock
The "No Teaching" Zone
I can't imagine anything more daunting than trying to teach in North Carolina's system of public education. Even after receiving a music education degree (BME) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1985, the majority of information I would try to impart to students would be moot. North Carolina has regressed so far in intelligence and civility, only tribal instincts seem to be important. When did parents begin to dictate how and what teachers teach? This only is an extension of the Far Alt Right Republican Trumptista philosopy where the rich control everything including your personal freedoms and your economic opportunities. I can think of no other time when a quality music education program could be effective, but like so many other educators, our responsibilities have grown too great. Arm ourselves to protect our students from mass shootings? This broken record of passing the buck of Republicans to ensure radical, almost terrorist factions will continue to dominate American life needs fixing. An eighteen year old can neither vote nor drink alcohol, but they can buy an assault rifle? I am done with this debate. It is ludicrous, and again like so many other educators we have chosen not to fight this battle. I knew as soon as I stepped off the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill, it was not a level playing field. Beginning teacher salary in 1985 from $18,000.00. Why did I just spend the most challenging four years of my life earning a music education degree from a prestigious university, when my job actually would be in the trenches in the classrooms of North Carolina? That was then. Now it is worse. Marching band parents dictate how the band director teach. When I interviewed for a teaching job in Columbus, Ohio, during the interview I was told the mother's of the flag girls would chose the music for the half time show! While a mass shooting is daunting, to me it isn't the greatest battle. The greatest battle is trying to apply tough learning to a body of students who evidently have become special needs. They needs to be called their chosen pronouns. ? What? The focus of my teaching, creating higher functioning and more intelligent mature adults, is being undermined by a fixation on gender identity. Never before in the history of America have children been confused by their gender. That is an over-reaching blanket statement, but I believe it is true. Always the human race has had homosexuality, but an issue where a child does not know how to act because of a confusion of gender? Previously it was "Tomboys." Still this is a common phenomenon, girls who identify with their more masculine brothers' activity. Perhaps there are boys who identify with more feminine activity, but I am not familiar with this. This battle is not appropriate in our system of public education, and it is far-reaching to expect our school professionals to kowtow to this desire. Because young adults advance through puberty and adolescence while in school, it is a component of the public education system. The gamut of that for me was getting sex education in health class in ninth grade. That was it. There was no discussion about personal gender identity. I will be bold enough to say that even during my time of public education, we were a stronger race. There was little time for weakness. If you wanted to survive, you had to be tough. That meant you could not waffle in confusion about your self. No longer are we tough. No longer are we physically fit. No longer are we cognitively capable. The communist siege has done their job. They have brought down America. "Officials" are afraid schools will be new breeding grounds for Monkeypox. Let's make up some more reasons why American children cannot get an education. First we decided to exploit our youth by targeting their expendable income. Now students are emerging from our educational system with thousands of dollars of debt, even hundreds of thousands. We have so exploited our children it should be of no surprise they are killing each other. We continue to bombard society with harmful, inciting, extraneous radiation, but plead the fifth when trying to explain continued mass shootings. This radiation is a primary problem in the world today, but it is not the only one. The other problem we have is inbreeding. Take a look at the pictures of the shooters. Do you see something upsetting? The genetics of these shooters have been compromised. What does that mean? Since the Alt Right has decried science and logic, the most conflicted and biologically compromised individual now is acceptable, because they create tumult, unrest, and reportable drama. Instead of investing in the human race, its purity, integrity, and capability, we have decided to attack it. We have become mutants of our own design, because no longer are we smart and savvy enough to ensure Capitalism works. For Capitalism to function it takes sheer power in all arenas. We gave up on that, because it is easier to own the plantation through corrupt politics. (Mitch McConnell) I did not choose to live the last chapters of my life in the Theater of the Absurd. I would like to think that if I chose, I could teach music education to young Americans and it would be appreciated. I would not have to stop and think about whether a student was a boy or a girl. I would not have to kowtow to their "pronouns." I would make them better smarter people by showing them things outside of their own issues, because it all has happened before. We are a speck of dust in the universe, and if we took the time to embrace our personal history we would understand our selfish fixations should be secondary. Loving our fellow man is more important, and I mean that in an altruistic sense. Trying to snake your best friends asshole is depraved, and a bit of church would help. Never have I felt that abortion should be used as contraception, so I agree with our Supreme Court's decisions. I also feel marriage is a religious sacrament, and it should be reserved for man and a woman. I believe the military has become 50% communist, and we need to keep an eye on their activity. This insurrection has come from within, and they are listening to everything we say and watching everything we do. (That is why my ears are ringing at the moment. Their ISR systems have become a large source of this aberrant radiation.) There is no need to shell the enemy anymore. Just surveil them with massive amounts of microwave energy, and they will contract "Havana Syndrome" and disappear. The priorities of this generation of Americans are skewed. They are addicted, selfish, and ignorant, and I don't want to teach them.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Radiation America
When I sat down this evening with the laptop in hand, all of the ideas I had today which compelled me to write a blog entry disappeared. This blank mind is an anomaly. I should drink less, but alcohol never affects my thinking. Only does it relieve my stress and calm my tattered emotions. Extensively I have written for two decades of the plethora of man-made pollution bombarding our daily lives. Pollution is the wrong word. When people think about pollution necessarily they will think of litter on the highway, hog waste at processing plants, Gen X in the air and our drinking water, and carbon emission from so many man-made products. Cars, trucks, planes, and trains all burn fossil fuels, and all of them burn much needed oxygen meant for us and Mother Nature and replace it with carbon monoxide and other harmful toxins. While this is traditional pollution, in this modern age of wireless technology other harmful emissions have been added to the stew. These are the emissions of which I write most frequently. When past president Bill Clinton auctioned off previously unavailable frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to balance the federal budget, single-handedly he created our current American economy. Wireless technology has been our economy ever since. Almost every adult American has a cellular phone, and many of our children do. This wireless communication has been pushed on the consumer like it is necessary for our daily existence. It isn't. If one were to look back even before the government broke up the Bell telephone system as a corporate monopoly, we would see wired technology is better than wireless. Why? The reason is the same reason America is a mess politically. Regulation to ensure corporations comply to health standards has been dismantled. Largely this began with past president George W. Bush. Deregulation was lobbied diligently as an inhibitor of growth potential for businesses. Consequently America has become a third world country with an elite wealthy class who possess most of the money. The middle class has dwindled, and the poor have proliferated. Since the wealthy all ready have all the money, no longer do they need a functioning Capitalist free market. America's free market system has been assaulted along with her people not unlike other nation's who have succumbed to communist take overs. The entire Alt. Right extreme Republican faction is nothing more than Communism. The sting of the oppression of our personal freedoms, our privacy, our economic opportunity, and most of all heterosexual love potential has rained down on America like acid. The tool of the Alt. Right has become these unregulated unmonitored emissions. I call them "Gay Rays," because heat, vibration, electricity, and magnetism easily quell normal heterosexual desire. This desire is dependent upon emotional responses, tactile responses, pheromones, and a neutral environment devoid of external stimulus. In the past humans sought to augment these responses with man-made stimuli including smells, music, and eye candy. Today they no longer are strong enough to overcome the onslaught of electromagnetic pollution rife in our environment. The result has been a gender crisis where children cannot recognize their own sexual orientation. They are so inundated with harmful man-made stimuli, no longer can they get in touch with their own physical and emotional inclinations. As I sit here late at night my ears are screaming with tinnitus from an idling Amtrack passenger locomotive a few miles from our home. This locomotive is not the Thomas the Train of children's literature. It is a mammoth, sixteen cylinder, turbo charged electricity factory ambulating through our neighborhoods. Much of the electricity is broadcast into the environment in the form of low frequency alternating current which escapes from the traction motors and the complex processors in its high voltage cabinet. Prior to 1990 there was no AC traction, and 1990 is when life in America began to change for the worse. Ask Kurt Cobain.