Friday, August 12, 2022

The "Chain Gun" Alarm Clock

When you complain about the railroads they reciprocate.  When I talk smack about CSX, a company which has become a ruthless money maker rather than a reliable freight railroad, they like to punish me.  Simply they drive one of their polluting locomotives near your home, park it, and let it idle for 12 hours.  (Or 24, or 48)  A few years ago they let two Dash 9 locomotives idle for the two weeks of Christmas vacation.  Nice Christmas present, low frequency rumble and the Taos Hum.  Now they say they are "Green."  The only way that term applies is that they are novices at railroading.  They do no understand the seriousness of their industry, and how much it does pollute.  I am not  talking about carbon emissions.  I am talking about infrasound, low frequency sound you cannot hear, vibration, and rumble which travel through the ground.  We now can add low frequency AC current to the list, because it just flows into the environment unabated.  It creates an arc in my garage.  There is static electricity in the air, and common wall AC current will arc through the air causing shorts.  Oh joy.  I have not even mentioned the Apache helicopters with their targeting systems.  The other night there were four hovering around, and yesterday morning their chain gun sounded like it was being fired in the street outside.  Gentrification.  It has happened to Fayetteville.  While the real estate industry is making profits selling over-priced Fayetteville homes, the railroads (and there are four) are pumping out the funk along with the commercial airline industry.  They are selling over-valued homes and not telling you the local economy has zero respect for where you live.  We are being punished for living where we do.  What kind of poor man's vendetta is this?  Promptly at five in the morning we are blasted by the Fayetteville Regional Airport's direct early morning flight to Charlotte.  I guess they think we are sleeping and want notice being pushed further down into our mattresses.  Why are jets doing this?  Why are they disrespecting Fayetteville?  Why don't they turn right and fly over farmland east of the Cape Fear River?  Instead they pummel the city of Fayetteville with 1,300 mph jet wash, intense heat, and incredible sound pressure levels.  Low flying aircraft are second only to heart disease as the worst foe for human health, and yet they disrespect us every day.  Who should be monitoring and regulating this activity?  SCOTUS says not the E.P.A.  No power for them.  Why do we need them if they are sans nuts?  Castrated?  Eunuchs.  I realize the targeting system at Fort Bragg is a polluter, but the defense industry will object.  Bill Clinton okayed all of these microwave frequencies and now we are burning from them.  G5 is the worst.  Phased array antennas much more powerful than traditional microwave transmitters.  The airports didn't want it.  They don't know what they want.