Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Radiation America

When I sat down this evening with the laptop in hand, all of the ideas I had today which compelled me to write a blog entry disappeared.  This blank mind is an anomaly.  I should drink less, but alcohol never affects my thinking.  Only does it relieve my stress and calm my tattered emotions.  Extensively I have written for two decades of the plethora of man-made pollution bombarding our daily lives.  Pollution is the wrong word.  When people think about pollution necessarily they will think of litter on the highway, hog waste at processing plants, Gen X in the air and our drinking water, and carbon emission from so many man-made products.  Cars, trucks, planes, and trains all burn fossil fuels, and all of them burn much needed oxygen meant for us and Mother Nature and replace it with carbon monoxide and other harmful toxins.  While this is traditional pollution, in this modern age of wireless technology other harmful emissions have been added to the stew.  These are the emissions of which I write most frequently.  When past president Bill Clinton auctioned off previously unavailable frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to balance the federal budget, single-handedly he created our current American economy.  Wireless technology has been our economy ever since.  Almost every adult American has a cellular phone, and many of our children do.  This wireless communication has been pushed on the consumer like it is necessary for our daily existence.  It isn't.  If one were to look back even before the government broke up the Bell telephone system as a corporate monopoly, we would see wired technology is better than wireless.  Why?  The reason is the same reason America is a mess politically.  Regulation to ensure corporations comply to health standards has been dismantled.  Largely this began with past president George W. Bush.  Deregulation was lobbied diligently as an inhibitor of growth potential for businesses.  Consequently America has become a third world country with an elite wealthy class who possess most of the money.  The middle class has dwindled, and the poor have proliferated.  Since the wealthy all ready have all the money, no longer do they need a functioning Capitalist free market.  America's free market system has been assaulted along with her people not unlike other nation's who have succumbed to communist take overs.  The entire Alt. Right extreme Republican faction is nothing more than Communism.  The sting of the oppression of our personal freedoms, our privacy, our economic opportunity, and most of all heterosexual love potential has rained down on America like acid.  The tool of the Alt. Right has become these unregulated unmonitored emissions.  I call them "Gay Rays," because heat, vibration, electricity, and magnetism easily quell normal heterosexual desire.  This desire is dependent upon emotional responses, tactile responses, pheromones, and a neutral environment devoid of external stimulus.  In the past humans sought to augment these responses with man-made stimuli including smells, music, and eye candy.  Today they no longer are strong enough to overcome the onslaught of electromagnetic pollution rife in our environment.  The result has been a gender crisis where children cannot recognize their own sexual orientation.  They are so inundated with harmful man-made  stimuli, no longer can they get in touch with their own physical and emotional inclinations.  As I sit here late at night my ears are screaming with tinnitus from an idling Amtrack passenger locomotive a few miles from our home.  This locomotive is not the Thomas the Train of children's literature.  It is a mammoth, sixteen cylinder, turbo charged electricity factory ambulating through our neighborhoods.  Much of the electricity is broadcast into the environment in the form of low frequency alternating current which escapes from the traction motors and the complex processors in its high voltage cabinet.  Prior to 1990 there was no AC traction, and 1990 is when life in America began to change for the worse.  Ask Kurt Cobain.