Thursday, June 02, 2022

Toe the Joe

 I have this to say.  Gas prices were this high once before, and it was W.  W. was from an oil cartel family, and because of them and their fallout with Saudi Arabia, the lower Saudi royals bombed the World Trade Center.  It wasn't Saddam Hussein.  Osama bin Laden was a part of it, and he wanted to be the fighting force for Saudi Arabia, but they turned him down.  He became his own fighting force with malice for this country, but it was the lower Saudi's that planned the bombing of the  American Twin Towers.  Saudi Arabia is NOT our a ally.  Change gears.  Rudy Giuliani was conspiring with known mobsters, displaced mafia henchmen, stationed in Ukraine.  The current President of Ukraine is a comedian and actor, not unlike former American President and actor Ronald Reagan.  It is possible he is performing the same task as Ronnie.  He is being puppeted by ulterior forces.  Meanwhile Russia invades Ukraine, and Joe Biden mindlessly is pumping billions of American tax payer dollars into Ukraine.  Meanwhile gas prices have risen for a second time to the highest level in U.S. history.  Meanwhile Joe Biden is pumping billions of dollars into a second proxy Cold War neglecting the American populace.  Instead he is fighting Vladimir Putin.  Shite never has been worse in America.  Joe, what are you doing?  Even the Alt Right, corrupt, Republican degenerate party is calling you a Communist.  This is not good.  We don't like it that you are hemorrhaging American tax-payer dollars to fund Ukraine.  We rather would prefer you to fund Americans.