Monday, May 30, 2022

Jim Crow Jr. - The Sequel (but worse)

 It's best for us to understand that Mitch and his cronies don't care.  Rather they see a mass shooting at a largely Mexican-attended elementary school as a blessing.  They want to build a wall to keep Mexicans out of America.  Twenty dead Mexicans is a step in the right direction.  As Americans we really need to understand our dire political situation.  These men are fascists.  They are Nazis.  They are mass murderers.  Of course no eighteen year old should be able to purchase an assault rifle.  One thing Bill Clinton did accomplish in the crime bill was an assault rifle ban.  Touche.  There are so many things amuck in American society and politics, we cannot begin to fathom their challenges.  The more quickly we understand Mitch and his boys are ethnic cleansing from inside, the better.  Most of it has been masterminded by Satan himself.  MSNBC reported in all likelihood the 2024 presidential campaign would be Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden.  Quickly I reminded myself half of the news is hearsay.  I don't think that will happen.  If it does, if our Attorney General and the January 6th committee don't take this turd out of circulation, a twice impeached failure of a president, and he is allowed again to run for the President of the United States, then a civil war is merited.  A revolution may come to fruition.  If this nation, if America is subject to another round of lies, corruption, and evil, and it is allowed by American law, then everything about this country has failed.  Anarchy could ensue.  Any faith I have in America will be gone.  (Mostly it all ready is gone)  The people are merited in fighting back.  I don't want to spend the last chapters of my life as a guerilla soldier.  Fully I understand all of use at one time or another must stand up and fight for our freedom, but it is the job of our leaders to provide justice.  They are failing.  Not only are they failing, they are assaulting us from within covertly while wearing white collars.  Jim Crow Jr. is white collar crime, and if and when the average American decides to put a stop to it, it will tumble like an eighty year old falling off wall built to keep Mexicans out.  The fight, it seems, is on.